A Motu Proprio Designed to Weaken Opus Dei
The reform implemented by Ad charisma tuendum is part of a larger trend to hamper institutions and practices that could be classified as rooted in tradition.
The reform implemented by Ad charisma tuendum is part of a larger trend to hamper institutions and practices that could be classified as rooted in tradition.
It is not their judgement of the film that is in question; it is their methods and the reasons why they were permitted to behave with impunity in a society where free speech predominates.
The Catalan government does nothing to investigate hundreds of corpses belonging to Civil War era victims of the Popular Front.
The report of the emergency committee that failed to reach consensus was released on Saturday. It revealed four key arguments against granting emergency status to the outbreak.
At their July 26th meeting, energy ministers rejected the Commission’s initial plan for emergency powers but committed to reducing gas usage by 15% between 1 August 2022 and 31 March 2023—at least they did in theory.
Containment, curfews, and the use of the health pass are now a thing of the past. The scientific council, responsible for guiding the government’s health policy, is dissolved.
The reform implemented by Ad charisma tuendum is part of a larger trend to hamper institutions and practices that could be classified as rooted in tradition.
It is not their judgement of the film that is in question; it is their methods and the reasons why they were permitted to behave with impunity in a society where free speech predominates.
The Catalan government does nothing to investigate hundreds of corpses belonging to Civil War era victims of the Popular Front.
The report of the emergency committee that failed to reach consensus was released on Saturday. It revealed four key arguments against granting emergency status to the outbreak.
At their July 26th meeting, energy ministers rejected the Commission’s initial plan for emergency powers but committed to reducing gas usage by 15% between 1 August 2022 and 31 March 2023—at least they did in theory.
Containment, curfews, and the use of the health pass are now a thing of the past. The scientific council, responsible for guiding the government’s health policy, is dissolved.