Report Highlights Permeation of Muslim Brotherhood Into Swedish Politics
The Islamic League of Sweden has earned a reputation as the representative of Swedish Muslims in the media, often mediating between police and Muslim communities during riots.
The Islamic League of Sweden has earned a reputation as the representative of Swedish Muslims in the media, often mediating between police and Muslim communities during riots.
Pfizer’s own defence conceded that its CEO was not prepared well enough to discuss the issue, yet he went on to do so in the strongest possible terms.
As national security trumps individual freedom, Sweden will curtail freedom of speech piecemeal, like death from a thousand cuts.
The EU plans to step up its game against Russian propaganda by digging deeper into the pathways of information flow to find the source of disinformation.
“2023 is the end of access to pornographic sites for our children,” said Jean-Noël Barrot, French Minister for Digital Affairs.
Speakers from across politics and academia gathered in Brussels to discuss the looming threat of abortion being inserted into the EU Charter, contrasting it with Europe’s philosophical and religious roots.
“The destiny of Europe, the fate of Europe, has never rested on politicians, and that should not be the illusion now.”
The Swedish Security Service cited the January 21st burning of the Quran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm as a major catalyst.
The Islamic League of Sweden has earned a reputation as the representative of Swedish Muslims in the media, often mediating between police and Muslim communities during riots.
Pfizer’s own defence conceded that its CEO was not prepared well enough to discuss the issue, yet he went on to do so in the strongest possible terms.
As national security trumps individual freedom, Sweden will curtail freedom of speech piecemeal, like death from a thousand cuts.
The EU plans to step up its game against Russian propaganda by digging deeper into the pathways of information flow to find the source of disinformation.
“2023 is the end of access to pornographic sites for our children,” said Jean-Noël Barrot, French Minister for Digital Affairs.
Speakers from across politics and academia gathered in Brussels to discuss the looming threat of abortion being inserted into the EU Charter, contrasting it with Europe’s philosophical and religious roots.
“The destiny of Europe, the fate of Europe, has never rested on politicians, and that should not be the illusion now.”
The Swedish Security Service cited the January 21st burning of the Quran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm as a major catalyst.