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Month: August 2023

U.S. Downgrade: Expect More to Come

The U.S. government has suffered its second credit downgrade. Given the reaction from the Biden administration, we can safely predict: this is only the beginning.

Finland: Are the (Defecting) Russians Coming?

Finland: Are the (Defecting) Russians Coming?

While hundreds of thousands of men eligible to serve in the army have fled Russia, not many of them have applied for asylum in Finland yet.

August 6, 2023
German Cardinal Gets Slammed for Criticising Priest Giving Gay Blessings 

German Cardinal Gets Slammed for Criticising Priest Giving Gay Blessings 

A German Cardinal has been admonished by a layman for condemning a priest who gave same-sex blessings.

August 6, 2023
Spain’s Supreme Court Upholds “Gender Theory” in Schools

Spain’s Supreme Court Upholds “Gender Theory” in Schools

The appeal claimed that the decree’s terminology, including “gender equality” or “gender perspective,” violates the educational system’s neutrality by being ideological constructs.

Pope Francis Labels Transsexuals “Daughters of God” Following Meeting

Pope Francis Labels Transsexuals “Daughters of God” Following Meeting

After statements condemning gender ideology, Pope Francis referred to several transgender people as “daughters of God” during a past meeting at the Vatican, appearing to confirm their chosen gender.

August 6, 2023
South Africa Is Descending Into Chaos: An Interview with <strong>Paul Maritz</strong>

South Africa Is Descending Into Chaos: An Interview with Paul Maritz

The narrative is “everything is fine in South Africa.” This understanding is stuck in 1991. To admit that the South African project hasn’t worked would be an immense political and ideological failure for the West. 

August 6, 2023
England: Lockdowns Stunted Emotional Growth of Nearly Half of Children, Study Finds

England: Lockdowns Stunted Emotional Growth of Nearly Half of Children, Study Finds

Parents observed children having increased levels of anxiety and depression, a greater tendency for tantrums, and issues with negative self-esteem, problems that were not present before the lockdowns.

August 5, 2023
Few Alternatives for Conservatives in Germany: An Interview with <strong>Hans-Georg Maassen</strong>

Few Alternatives for Conservatives in Germany: An Interview with Hans-Georg Maassen

Angela Merkel successfully transformed the classical-conservative CDU of Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl into a socialist party, and turned the party establishment into a real left-wing establishment.

August 5, 2023
Meloni Sues Rock ’n’ Roller for Defamation

Meloni Sues Rock ’n’ Roller for Defamation

Singer Brian Molko called the Italian prime minister a fascist and racist “piece of s**t,” leading to the defamation suit.

August 5, 2023
Climate Change Kerfuffle Following Greek Wildfires

Climate Change Kerfuffle Following Greek Wildfires

The Greek government has blamed arsonists for the fires ravaging Rhodes, Corfu, and Evia, while also claiming that climate change has played a part.

August 5, 2023
Chilean-American Blogger Gonzalo Lira Allegedly Caught Trying To Flee Ukraine

Chilean-American Blogger Gonzalo Lira Allegedly Caught Trying To Flee Ukraine

Just days after claiming to have been tortured in jail and wanting to escape Ukraine to seek political asylum in Hungary, Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira has allegedly been rearrested by Ukrainian security forces.

August 5, 2023
Poland Rules ‘Barbie Apps’ Espionage Risk

Poland Rules ‘Barbie Apps’ Espionage Risk

“Beware of selfies with Barbie,” exhorted the Polish Ministry of Digitation as it warned against a new Barbie-themed app that monitors users contrary to GDPR law.

August 5, 2023
Ukraine Gives Russia the One-Finger Salute With Army Appointment

Ukraine Gives Russia the One-Finger Salute With Army Appointment

The appointment of an American transgender woman as a spokesperson of the Ukrainian Army highlights the government’s eagerness to comply with Western ‘values.’

August 5, 2023