Brussels’ Top Earning MEP Made €3 Million Last Year
The leftist Lithuanian MEP’s side hustles include selling ‘anti-COVID’ mineral water and scamming the Parliament out of half a million euros worth of salaries for non-existent assistants.
The leftist Lithuanian MEP’s side hustles include selling ‘anti-COVID’ mineral water and scamming the Parliament out of half a million euros worth of salaries for non-existent assistants.
In an interview, Sahra Wagenknecht called Chancellor Scholz’s optimistic assessment of the German economy “so unworldly, it’s so beyond reality.”
European infrastructure is increasingly becoming fair game in the eyes of Moscow, Western intelligence claims.
Israeli delegation seen as unsafe in Malmö, where the city’s Muslim population celebrated the October 7th massacre.
“In Brussels, we need MEPs who represent national interests instead of the foreign ones, the European people instead of illegal migration, and the cause of peace instead of war!”
A covert network of officials and spies known as ‘the Makhzen’ stands accused of fuelling Western Europe’s illicit cannabis and cocaine trades.
The same unit that uncovered the government’s €10 million mask corruption scandal is investigating influence trafficking.
Hendrick Cremer claims that the AfD represents a resurgence of Nazi thinking. His argument is unconvincing.
The Left has chosen the way of censorship.
Jan C. Bentz talks with David Clayton, artist, writer, and provost at Pontifex University, about beauty and art. Is beauty objective? Is it scientific? What makes a good artist good? All these and more related questions are tackled by Clayton in the context of art and sacred art.