Ireland: Populists Hoping for Representation in Brussels As Sinn Féin Nosedives
Dublin’s political establishment has yet to come to terms with the unprecedented public mood swing on migration.
Dublin’s political establishment has yet to come to terms with the unprecedented public mood swing on migration.
China, which is a partner rather than an OECD member, has been allowed to block a wider role for Taiwan.
“If the Brave New World points us towards the emerging total system, it also points us towards the alternative.”
Populist PVV expected to increase its number of parliamentary seats from one to seven as a first indication of how the balance of power is shifting to the Right.
PM Tusk promises billions of euros to protect against prospective Russian incursions amid an active migrant threat to Poland’s borders.
Turkey’s government refuses to return stolen Greek properties in Constantinople after eliminating the indigenous Greek population from the city.
The father of a three-month-old boy confronted Spain’s government-sponsored “woke” comedian in real life over obscene online comments.
Robert Fico blamed the opposition for fuelling tensions that led to an assassination attempt against him.
The skirmish between Prime Minister Sunak and Labour leader Starmer over health care funding reveals a deeply rooted structural flaw in the British economy.
The signatories would also make certain EU benefits available to these countries even before they reach full EU membership.
Mass uncontrolled immigration of people from entirely different cultures and habits is sheer madness.
The radicalised knifeman was an admirer of an Islamist preacher whose propaganda videos he shared on YouTube.
The Brexit and immigration campaigner said he’s coming back to lead a political revolt.
The former majority party asking for ‘unity’ rings hollow when it has no choice.
UK ally Nigel Farage said this added online presence will have a “huge” impact.
If there is anyone who can translate the right-wing turn among the Dutch electorate into policy successes, it is this tough guy.
More than half of Spaniards think the PM should resign or face more questioning.
In response to the assassination attempt on Robert Fico, the government wants to amend laws to provide further protection for the highest-ranking state officials.
The bold 4-point proposal would outsource asylum procedures, speed up deportations, and implement the ‘Australian model’ with “zero tolerance” for illegal entry attempts.
Sunak “could not be more wrong” to say Labour has no convictions; Starmer is “a dedicated dogmatic Leftist,” says commentator.
“Even though the Flemish region might be old, the Flemish people have not yet matured politically; we have just got on to the political stage, learning to assert ourselves.”
Foreign Affairs Minister pushes for ‘nuclear option’ against the conservative country before it takes over EU Presidency