Chekhov once said that literature was his mistress and medicine his lawful wedded wife, and that when he tired of
For those in denial, an immigrant is just a generic human unit who brings no cultural baggage with him.
Health is to the political class what money is to bankers: an inexhaustible source legitimation of their exercise of power.
One theory of Napoleon’s death is that he was poisoned by the arsenic in the wallpaper of Longwood House on St. Helena, accidentally or deliberately, as the case might be.
No amount of flag-wagging by uncouth or brutish xenophobes will reverse, or even oppose, the wilful undoing of an entire culture.
The Western artistic tradition is exhausted, modernism being both a symptom and a cause of that exhaustion.
Mayor Anne Hidalgois currently engaged on a campaign to save the planet by making the streets of Paris hideous and increasingly unbearable.
Professor Norman Stone, the renowned historian who died aged 78 on June 19 this year, was an outstandingly colourful figure on a British intellectual landscape that has long had an accelerating tendency to the flat, dull, monochrome, and ideologically uniform. Norman Stone spoke his mind and lived as he pleased, for which he was both […]
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