The chemical causes male infertility
The defunct law imposed an ideological spin on the Spanish Civil War
The controversial bill is not dead, however, and will likely return for another vote.
Protests are planned throughout the country next week.
Estimations on wind energy storage were based on a single year of weather data.
Historic reports of fraud and kidnapping have also come to light.
Socialists tailor amnesty law to allow terrorists to avoid prosecution.
Figures reveal increasing levels of welfare dependency and a bloated public sector.
Sánchez’s government claims it has high-level legal opinions supporting the amnesty—but has yet to make the report public or even state who wrote it.
New application aims to allay concerns about privacy while keeping minors off sexually explicit websites.
Human rights advocates accuse the EU of continuing to support the regime.
Christian politician Päivi Räsäsen said she would not give up defending her right to freedom of speech.