Following weeks of revelations, the firing of Patricia Schlesinger, former director of the German regional broadcaster RBB, marks the peak of a scandalous story of alleged embezzlement, nepotism, and moral double standards.
With water levels nearing an all-time low, shipping on the River Rhine is already severely limited, leading to further disruptions of delivery chains. Experts fear this might contribute to a recession.
A close aide of former Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested on charges of “seducing people to rebellion” after he called upon ordinary soldiers to disobey orders from their superiors during a TV program.
Spengler Society, Peterson “fights for holding on to the very own basic values of our civilization,” which makes his work “increasingly compatible and complementary to that of Spengler.”
The arrest of trade union leader Joseph Stalin led to large scale protests in Sri Lanka. UN special rapporteur on human rights, Mary Lawler, called the arrest “disturbing” and said Stalin “must be supported, not punished.”
A new study shows how drastic the suppression of conservative and right-wing opinions has become: since the last election, not a single AfD politician has been invited to a talk show on state TV.
With the missing gas turbine stuck with Siemens in Germany, Gazprom blames the delay for delivering only 20% of its capacity via Nord Stream 1. Meanwhile, Germany’s gas reservoirs are steadily filling up.
Russian state media celebrated Schröder’s statements while German legacy media was infuriated. Schröder now stands accused of spewing Kremlin propaganda.
A report by Amnesty claims Ukrainian military tactics “endanger civilian lives” by using hospitals and schools to set up bases in populated areas. Ukrainian officials say Amnesty distorted the real picture and failed to understand the situation on the ground.
Health Minister Lauterbach presented the latest version of the German Infection Protection Act which will keep mask mandates and vaccination statuses around until 2023.
With Pakistan close to economic collapse, fears of a situation similar to Sri Lanka are growing. But due to the ‘butterfly effect,’ European energy politics have contributed greatly to this chaos.
The former FPÖ chairman was acquitted of corruption charges against him as “the accusation of collusion was clearly refuted.” With seven down and five more cases to go, legal expenses have almost ruined Strache, despite several acquittals.