Landlord calls in security to eject ‘gender critical’ speaker
The decision comes in response to rising levels of violence from migrants.
The latest fatalities come after a day with nearly record-breaking 801 arrivals.
Critics raise objections about using public money to pay radical left-wing publisher.
One of two Labour MPs with a history of ‘trans rights’ activism is likely to chair the influential parliamentary group.
Bizarre priorities coincide with growing international criticism.
More ‘two-tier policing’ against backdrop of report condemning BBC anti-Israel bias.
Polish officials deny non-cooperation amid suspicion Ukraine orchestrated the underwater attack.
MMA star Conor McGregor has fuelled speculation he could run for high office—adding to the populist wave sweeping Europe.
Calls to cut social benefits for all migrants who are required to leave their host countries are growing in Europe.
The discovery shows the challenges facing European ‘transit countries’.
Controversial policy coincides with conveyor-belt detention of ‘far right’ rioters and social media users.