The youth are mobilising against both Macron and Le Pen. They want to show that democracy is not only played out in the ballot box but also in the street, and that they contest the result of the elections in advance.
André Ventura wants to make the fight against corruption one of the major axes of his policy.
Marine Le Pen was playing a very long game in the debate, and immense pressure must have weighed on her shoulders. Not only did she have to wash away the affront from 2017, but she also had to remain focused on the one and only goal worth mentioning: to win the second round on Sunday, April 24th.
Germany has a low overall abortion rate in relation to its population of 82.9 million. Yet the exact causes of the decline in the number of abortions are difficult to determine.
The release of the report in the press comes at an ideal time to destabilise the candidate, with some of the facts mentioned by the European Office dating back more than ten years.
The #SaccageParis movement deserves our full attention. It is an example of a parallel democracy that is fundamentally rooted in—and desires to preserve—identity and heritage. In short, it is a conservative movement.
With the first round behind him, Emmanuel Macron is making things clear. On Monday, April 11th, the President of the National Assembly Richard Ferrand announced that the “right to die with dignity” would be the major societal reform of the new five-year term if Emmanuel Macron were reelected.
The signatories insist on the deleterious impact of the German approach on the whole Church. Other countries could follow the German example, misunderstanding the meaning of “synodality,” and thus deeply undermine the unity of the Catholic Church, setting it firmly on the road to schism.
The key to the survival of the main party of the French governmental right used to be political, now it is financial.
The madness of transgender children is the culmination of an ideological delusion that has been with us for many years. It is based on the erroneous idea that we can free ourselves from the sexual differences that are rooted in the bodies of men and women.
The convinced of Macronism have already shown themselves in the first round. Those who will vote for him out of duty have shrunk to a trickle. Anti-Macronism is on its way to being more powerful than a vote for Le Pen.
This willingness to collaborate is part of a rapprochement between Poland and Germany after a period of rather tense relations.