Woke is one of the most important developments of our age. It is upending culture and institutions, and remaking politics.
The prospect of judges ruling on the putative implication of a message is a recipe for arbitrary tyranny.
British public life has by now been thoroughly colonised by leftist politics.
No group has a right to be listened to by the government simply because it claims to represent a ‘community.’
By recklessly tying the Crown to progressive issues, Charles erodes the neutrality on which his constitutional role rests.
The EU is using the Israel-Hamas conflict as a fig leaf for extending its control of the internet—but online censorship will not solve the problem of Islamism.
The new green-energy law is less a power grab by the Conservative government than a power handover to unelected technocrats.
The technocratic crusade against so-called disinformation is in fact nakedly political and anti-democratic.