The New York Times’ verification of the video’s authenticity comes amid recently surfaced video footage depicting the abuse of Russian POWs.
Following a month-long occupation by Russian forces—and their subsequent withdrawal from the area—spiritual leaders at a seminary outside of Kyiv, have returned to discover that its statue of Our Lady of Fátima has been desecrated.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán—refusing to adopt policies that run counter to the interests of the Hungarian people—has agreed to pay Moscow in rubles for gas imports.
Macron’s emotional outburst comes as the gap between he and Le Pen, a political ally of Morawiecka, appears to be narrowing.
Leaders from opposition parties spanning the entirety of the Left-Right spectrum have condemned Asov’s presence in the Greek Parliament.
The attack comes a month after Germany’s Federal Interior Ministry released figures which revealed that, for the third consecutive year, members and politicians from the AfD were victimized by political violence more frequently than those of any other party represented in the Bundestag.
“I have always been firmly convinced that this attack could have been prevented. Today, concrete elements confirm this conviction. Mistakes were made both on the side of the National Education and the Ministry of the Interior, without which Samuel Paty could have been saved,” the family’s lawyer said.
France’s entrenched political establishment has been accused of concealing a deadly anti-Semitic attack that saw a young, disabled man run over by a tram after having been beaten and chased by a gang of ‘youths’ in a Paris suburb.
Russia, the world’s largest wheat exporter, has threatened to restrict vital agricultural and food exports to countries deemed “friendly” to Moscow, prompting widespread concerns of a global food and migration crisis.
The cardinal’s appeal comes after the country’s Parliament Select Committee released a report that suggested high-level government officials had allowed the country’s Christian minority community to be targeted in a string of terrorist bombings on Easter Sunday in 2019.
“Even if these individuals are not Swedish citizens and in many cases have expulsion orders, it is not always possible to enforce the expulsions,” SÅPO Press Secretary Gabriel Wernstedt said.
Others—like Slovakia, Latvia, and the Czech Republic—have introduced similar measures that trample upon freedom of expression.