Ukraine undoubtedly sees this opening door as a sign of its anchorage in the West, and a promise of improved economic conditions in the years to come.
Official figures have revealed that the number of Syrian nationals granted German citizenship increased by 185% in 2021 compared to the previous year, as many of those who arrived during the migrant crisis of 2015-16 became eligible for naturalization.
On the southern tip of Greenland, ice floes used by polar bears to hunt are absent for up to eight months out of the year: good news for those who worry climate change might one day drive polar bears into extinction.
The owner of the newspaper anchors himself in the past of the Occitan region which, according to him, “has always had links with Al-Andalus.”
Sometimes climate-focused policies do not meet with overwhelming approval in EU parliament, and their adoption can be hit or miss.
“This allows foreign nationals to enter Portuguese territory who have come looking for work for a period of 120 days, extended to another 60 days, for a total of 180 days,” Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Ana Catarina Mendes clarified.
Carboni’s militant gesture has opened the door for some of the Italian political class to expand the 2019 court ruling into a law authorizing euthanasia.
Inflation in the UK is currently at 9%, its highest in 40 years, and the Bank of England warned it might reach 11% in autumn.
A group of teenage girls was surrounded, groped, and taunted by about 30 African men. When trying to escape, they were told “white women don’t go up here.” The incident rekindled the discussion on integration of migrants in Italy.
“Julian did nothing wrong. He has committed no crime and is not a criminal. He is a journalist and a publisher, and he is being punished for doing his job,” his wife Stella said.
“What does it mean to be a victim of Pegasus? All your secrets are laid bare, your intimate secrets are laid bare to your worst enemy,” —French journalist Sandrine Rigaud.
The men were charged with sexually assaulting at least eight girls, including three minors, in Alicante during a yearly festival that celebrates Christian victories over the Moors in the Reconquista.