Ronen Shoval is the dean of the Tikvah Fund and head of the Argaman Institute. He is an associate research scholar and lecturer in politics at the University of Princeton, where he was a research fellow in the James Madison Program. He is also a visiting fellow in Jewish and political thought at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He earned his Ph.D. in Jewish political thought from Paris West University Nanterre La Défense. His Twitter handle is @ShovalRonen.
Ronen Shoval is the dean of the Tikvah Fund and head of the Argaman Institute. He is an associate research scholar and lecturer in politics at the University of Princeton, where he was a research fellow in the James Madison Program. He is also a visiting fellow in Jewish and political thought at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He earned his Ph.D. in Jewish political thought from Paris West University Nanterre La Défense. His Twitter handle is @ShovalRonen.
The whole world must now see that when Hamas say, “Free Palestine,” it means to eradicate the Jews from Israel by any means, however brutal, however barbaric.
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