While verbal assurances towards that end have been made, both parties refrained from actually inking the deal.
If Ukraine fails, “we will have no choice but to enter the conflict,” Polish Ambassador Jan Rościszewski told LCI in the latest interview.
Protectionism from America has sent European manufacturing into crisis mode, seen in the proposal of the Net-Zero Industry Act.
Iceland, which has a population of 370,000, saw 2,500 asylum seekers arrive in 2022, supported by open-border NGOs.
The blessing of same-sex couples and other reforms are “sins against Christ Himself and of the most serious nature,” U.S. Cardinal Burke said, calling for the end of the Synodal Path in Germany.
The trend of fewer men getting university degrees—often leading to 9-to-5 desk jobs—may have a positive aspect.
Ireland’s new legislation to label alcohol like tobacco—which has been greenlighted by the EU—has spurred Italians to take the fight to Europe in defence of their native wine.
The €3.03 billion sale is intended to stave off a breakdown in confidence—following recent bank collapses in the U.S.—from spilling over.
Ratification is expected before the Turkish parliament goes into recess in mid-April, bringing Finland one step closer to NATO membership.
The Republican House of Representatives Speaker slammed the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s investigation into the former president as being “an outrageous abuse of power.”
The leading Reform Party’s new coalition partners have already made up their minds, only PM Kallas is still on the fence, as Estonia is set to be governed by an all-left government for the first time.
Last month’s national rail tragedy might prove more damaging to Mitsotakis’ government than the wiretapping scandal which nearly sank it.