Putin says any conventional attack on Russia backed by a nuclear power will be considered a joint attack.
The Tusk cabinet is trying to hurt its main rival before the presidential elections next year.
Recent police raids over satirical memes highlight the growing erosion of free speech in the country.
Russia warns of escalation, while Trump allies are livid that the U.S. administration is going against the will of the American people.
A meme mocking Robert Habeck sparked a dawn raid, raising free speech fears.
Warsaw sees the facility as a key component of protecting itself against Moscow.
EU lawmakers divided on U.S. election but united on strengthening European security and competitiveness.
The Hungarian PM said farmers shouldn’t be sacrificed for ‘green transition’
Anti-Jewish attacks in Amsterdam sparked a heated debate in the Dutch parliament.
Newly released data shows authorities still fail to control illegal immigration.
Voters have abandoned government coalition parties for the Christian Democrats and right-wing AfD, according to polls.
Critics say the deal will undercut local agriculture and allow low-quality imports to flood the market.
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