“Pogrom in the Streets of Amsterdam”: Football Fans Attacked in “Jew Hunt”
The UK’s chief rabbi said it was a “watershed moment for Europe.”
The UK’s chief rabbi said it was a “watershed moment for Europe.”
Internal report warns officers to take all precautions for their personal safety.
The Taoiseach had a March 2025 deadline for calling a national poll, but has picked what he sees as an advantageous moment.
Viktor Orbán: “The future of our ties with the United States is an unavoidable aspect of Europe’s security architecture.”
While joining up remains voluntary, for now, completing a questionnaire about willingness to serve would be mandatory for males upon turning 18.
One leading political scientist admitted “We’re too Democratic” as pollsters again underestimated support among working-class voters
Candidate was implicitly accused of wanting to ‘roll back women’s rights’ across Europe—even though abortion law is not an EU competence.
European leaders arrive In Budapest amid challenges of war, migration and competitiveness—and a dramatic change of direction in Washington
Chancellor Scholz hopes to head a minority government until March, but right-wing opposition parties demand a snap election now.
Jim Orwin was fired after adopting the pronouns: “XYchromosomeGuy/AdultHumanMale.”
Conviction followed screenings of his film called “Silenced”—as his supporters took to the streets in “Unite the Kingdom” demonstration.
EU warns election outcome could have consequences for country’s EU accession path.
Border controls, easier deportation of criminals, and “austere reception facilities” are among the introduced measures.
The disciplinary office of the Vatican swiftly reversed the order, but the effort to bypass the Church’s legal process exposes a power struggle within the Church hierarchy.
Forming a government will be difficult after eight parties claim seats in parliament, none with more than 27% of the vote.
Russia has stopped short of confirming that the troops were in the country.
“Madness”: An immigration tribunal ruled that deporting the offender would be “unduly harsh” on the criminal’s children.
In a surprising upset, the education minister lost her seat to a conservative newcomer.
Tory leader hopeful Robert Jendrick quipped, “Labour’s promised to ‘smash the gangs’. Looks like they’re now smashing their constituents instead.”
Some ‘right-wing’ MPs say life is not a cause worth defending.
Tehran has not signalled that it will retaliate—yet.
Brussels has threatened to derail the country’s path to the EU if it doesn’t do as it is told.