The Office for National Statistics (ONS) census figures released in early December reveal the inevitable consequence of open borders and mass immigration: Britain’s two largest cities (London and Birmingham) are now minority white British. Those identifying as white British in Birmingham fell from 52% in 2011 to 43% in 2021, while in London the corresponding numbers are 45% down to 37%. You might think that would be newsworthy, but then this is Britain where every demographic is treated as though threatened by extinction; except the native one which is heading that way.
The ironically named Conservative Party has spent the past 12 years digging its own grave, in its reckless abandonment of manifesto pledges, and its willingness to stand for anything except conservatism. The Party is already facing electoral oblivion come the next ballot, but former chancellor, Sajid Javid, may have sealed the Tory tomb once and for all with his curt dismissal of the data: “So what?”
As they so often are, the comments were made on Twitter where Javid was attempting a pithy putdown to GB News presenter (and Brexit pioneer) Nigel Farage. Farage had uploaded a 50 second clip in which he merely explained the figures devoid of political comment, except to highlight the massive demographic change taking place, and the astonishing ONS decision not to record the identity of respondents in future:
You might consider that Javid (also a former home secretary) would display the vaguest curiosity regarding the sweeping demographic change within the dominions he helps to govern, but apparently not. This is concerning, not least because Javid has played a major role in the Tory machine which has repeatedly promised (and failed) to get to grips with immigration, legal or otherwise. Moreover, ‘so what?’ is not his usual refrain on the topic, particularly when he believes votes are up for grabs. Like most fake ‘conservatives,’ he is perfectly prepared to exploit national sentiments on the eve of elections, but equally happy preaching to the multicultural choir when it suits him.
It was Home Secretary Sajid Javid who was clear about the need for honest appraisal of demography back in 2018, when he declared it ‘Wrong to ignore’ the ethnicity of grooming gangs, referring to them as ‘Sick Asian paedophiles’:
It was also Sajid Javid, back in 2013, who was more than happy to berate Labour Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, for her shocking record on uncontrolled immigration:
All of which means, he is either a charlatan who understands only too well the concerns about lightning demographic change, or an opportunist who is merely exploiting nationalistic sentiment—take your pick.
Whatever your personal thoughts on immigration (before such thoughts have been squeezed through the ever-narrowing Overton Window), the idea that demographic change on a scale never before witnessed in Britain is neither noteworthy, consequential, or a threat to Britishness is profoundly insincere—it is of course all of those things.
It is noteworthy, because the notion that national identity is merely a function of temporary geography (which Javid seems to imply) is something entirely western and would be considered alien by much of the rest of the world. Try it out in Asia, and you’d be laughed out of court. In Korea for instance (where I have spent the past decade) you can, with effort, become a Korean citizen—you cannot ever become Korean—and no Korean would even entertain such a possibility.
It is consequential, because even the loudest cheerleaders of multiculturalism have now had to admit it is a busted flush. The Swedish Prime Minister accepts that integration of immigrants has failed, while fuelling gang crime. Arch-globalist Emmanuel Macron has had to concede that. Meanwhile in Britain, the illegal of choice appears to be Albanians (58% of whom are astonishingly granted asylum); convenient, as they also constitute the highest foreign prison population in Britain, with ministers warning they will soon outnumber Albanians in Albanian prisons. Furthermore, the Pakistani rape gang statistics are so alarming, the recent Jay Report still couldn’t find any after a seven-year search.
Uncontrolled immigration is also, rather obviously, a threat to Britishness, not least because the multicultural experiment which heralded it requires no integration whatsoever—with its proponents often proudly claiming that “Britishness doesn’t exist.” How on earth can the massive influx of foreign nationals, whose values hardly align with our own, not cause a threat to British identity? Why for instance is Bradford a divided town, with no-go zones for whites?
The elephant in the room of course is ethnic identity, and the accepted mantra that it doesn’t matter is tiresome and dishonest. Ethnicity matters immensely, not least of which because it is such an obvious marker of interpersonal difference—be it cultural, religious, or political. Ethnicity matters, moreover, because every single demographic is encouraged to be as prominent as possible, except that of white, indigenous people in Western countries. Why is it acceptable for Sir Lenny Henry to demand, when walking onto a film set, to see ‘people who look like me’ (namely other black people), but not acceptable for white British people to wish to live in the country they grew up in, with its ethnic and cultural identity intact?
There is a final point to consider here. I cannot help but suspect a portion of Javid’s objection to the ONS figures is the use of the word ‘minority,’ which after all is the cudgel so relentlessly used to beat the white British population into silence in their own homelands, dismissing their legitimate concerns as ‘racist.’ Perhaps that’s the deeper point of Javid’s ‘so what?’—informing Farage in no uncertain terms that minority victim status (the Maxim gun of woke, if you will), is something white British people will never be entitled to use.
Whatever the upshot, one thing is guaranteed—Javid’s comments have contributed to the Tories not just being out of power for a generation, but perhaps hammering the casting nail in their own tomb. The white British population may be under threat, but the Tories have arguably already passed the tipping point.
A Senior UK Politician Responds to White British Minority: “So What?”
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) census figures released in early December reveal the inevitable consequence of open borders and mass immigration: Britain’s two largest cities (London and Birmingham) are now minority white British. Those identifying as white British in Birmingham fell from 52% in 2011 to 43% in 2021, while in London the corresponding numbers are 45% down to 37%. You might think that would be newsworthy, but then this is Britain where every demographic is treated as though threatened by extinction; except the native one which is heading that way.
The ironically named Conservative Party has spent the past 12 years digging its own grave, in its reckless abandonment of manifesto pledges, and its willingness to stand for anything except conservatism. The Party is already facing electoral oblivion come the next ballot, but former chancellor, Sajid Javid, may have sealed the Tory tomb once and for all with his curt dismissal of the data: “So what?”
As they so often are, the comments were made on Twitter where Javid was attempting a pithy putdown to GB News presenter (and Brexit pioneer) Nigel Farage. Farage had uploaded a 50 second clip in which he merely explained the figures devoid of political comment, except to highlight the massive demographic change taking place, and the astonishing ONS decision not to record the identity of respondents in future:
You might consider that Javid (also a former home secretary) would display the vaguest curiosity regarding the sweeping demographic change within the dominions he helps to govern, but apparently not. This is concerning, not least because Javid has played a major role in the Tory machine which has repeatedly promised (and failed) to get to grips with immigration, legal or otherwise. Moreover, ‘so what?’ is not his usual refrain on the topic, particularly when he believes votes are up for grabs. Like most fake ‘conservatives,’ he is perfectly prepared to exploit national sentiments on the eve of elections, but equally happy preaching to the multicultural choir when it suits him.
It was Home Secretary Sajid Javid who was clear about the need for honest appraisal of demography back in 2018, when he declared it ‘Wrong to ignore’ the ethnicity of grooming gangs, referring to them as ‘Sick Asian paedophiles’:
It was also Sajid Javid, back in 2013, who was more than happy to berate Labour Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, for her shocking record on uncontrolled immigration:
All of which means, he is either a charlatan who understands only too well the concerns about lightning demographic change, or an opportunist who is merely exploiting nationalistic sentiment—take your pick.
Whatever your personal thoughts on immigration (before such thoughts have been squeezed through the ever-narrowing Overton Window), the idea that demographic change on a scale never before witnessed in Britain is neither noteworthy, consequential, or a threat to Britishness is profoundly insincere—it is of course all of those things.
It is noteworthy, because the notion that national identity is merely a function of temporary geography (which Javid seems to imply) is something entirely western and would be considered alien by much of the rest of the world. Try it out in Asia, and you’d be laughed out of court. In Korea for instance (where I have spent the past decade) you can, with effort, become a Korean citizen—you cannot ever become Korean—and no Korean would even entertain such a possibility.
It is consequential, because even the loudest cheerleaders of multiculturalism have now had to admit it is a busted flush. The Swedish Prime Minister accepts that integration of immigrants has failed, while fuelling gang crime. Arch-globalist Emmanuel Macron has had to concede that. Meanwhile in Britain, the illegal of choice appears to be Albanians (58% of whom are astonishingly granted asylum); convenient, as they also constitute the highest foreign prison population in Britain, with ministers warning they will soon outnumber Albanians in Albanian prisons. Furthermore, the Pakistani rape gang statistics are so alarming, the recent Jay Report still couldn’t find any after a seven-year search.
Uncontrolled immigration is also, rather obviously, a threat to Britishness, not least because the multicultural experiment which heralded it requires no integration whatsoever—with its proponents often proudly claiming that “Britishness doesn’t exist.” How on earth can the massive influx of foreign nationals, whose values hardly align with our own, not cause a threat to British identity? Why for instance is Bradford a divided town, with no-go zones for whites?
The elephant in the room of course is ethnic identity, and the accepted mantra that it doesn’t matter is tiresome and dishonest. Ethnicity matters immensely, not least of which because it is such an obvious marker of interpersonal difference—be it cultural, religious, or political. Ethnicity matters, moreover, because every single demographic is encouraged to be as prominent as possible, except that of white, indigenous people in Western countries. Why is it acceptable for Sir Lenny Henry to demand, when walking onto a film set, to see ‘people who look like me’ (namely other black people), but not acceptable for white British people to wish to live in the country they grew up in, with its ethnic and cultural identity intact?
There is a final point to consider here. I cannot help but suspect a portion of Javid’s objection to the ONS figures is the use of the word ‘minority,’ which after all is the cudgel so relentlessly used to beat the white British population into silence in their own homelands, dismissing their legitimate concerns as ‘racist.’ Perhaps that’s the deeper point of Javid’s ‘so what?’—informing Farage in no uncertain terms that minority victim status (the Maxim gun of woke, if you will), is something white British people will never be entitled to use.
Whatever the upshot, one thing is guaranteed—Javid’s comments have contributed to the Tories not just being out of power for a generation, but perhaps hammering the casting nail in their own tomb. The white British population may be under threat, but the Tories have arguably already passed the tipping point.
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