Following the Senate’s vote on the constitutional law project regarding abortion, the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation expresses its complete disapproval and deep concern.
Heavy consequences for freedom of conscience and expression.
Today, there is no threat to the freedom to resort to abortion in France; therefore, there is no justification for its inclusion in the constitution. However, the consequences on the freedom of conscience of physicians can be disastrous. With its constitutionalization, abortion becomes de facto enforceable and the conscience clause no longer has its place.
Beyond the freedom of conscience of physicians, the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation is concerned about the consequences of the law on freedom of expression. Indeed, why sanctify a right that is not threatened, if not to forbid the existence of a debate? The recent example of attacks against the French channel CNews, following the televised debate “En quête d’esprit” on February 25, serves as a striking illustration. Therefore, the Foundation congratulates the senators and deputies who courageously dared to oppose this bill.
Moreover, if the right to abortion becomes constitutional, the Foundation is concerned about increased recourse to the law passed in 2017, which includes the offense of psychological obstruction to abortion. Although this law has received few practical applications to date, it carries the potential for imprisonment.
A Symbol of Death & A Eugenic Drift
The constitutionalization of abortion is a denial of the unconditional dignity of the human person. The freedom to abort is the freedom to end the life of a human being. No one can deny it. Enshrining it in the constitution just a few years after enshrining the prohibition of the death penalty is an aberration.
Furthermore, enshrining abortion in the constitution accelerates the eugenic drift of our society, which already screens fetuses based on genetic criteria. Today, 96% of unborn children with Down syndrome are thus victims of abortion. In a society that advocates inclusion and fraternity, can we accept that some are denied the right to live based on their genome?
Jean-Marie Le Méné, President of the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, asserts that “the respectability and sacredness of every human life have never been more threatened.”
The Jérôme Lejeune Foundation provides citizens with a tool to contact elected officials to oppose this constitutional bill:
Abortion in the French Constitution: More Than a Symbol, a Dangerous Text
Following the Senate’s vote on the constitutional law project regarding abortion, the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation expresses its complete disapproval and deep concern.
Heavy consequences for freedom of conscience and expression.
Today, there is no threat to the freedom to resort to abortion in France; therefore, there is no justification for its inclusion in the constitution. However, the consequences on the freedom of conscience of physicians can be disastrous. With its constitutionalization, abortion becomes de facto enforceable and the conscience clause no longer has its place.
Beyond the freedom of conscience of physicians, the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation is concerned about the consequences of the law on freedom of expression. Indeed, why sanctify a right that is not threatened, if not to forbid the existence of a debate? The recent example of attacks against the French channel CNews, following the televised debate “En quête d’esprit” on February 25, serves as a striking illustration. Therefore, the Foundation congratulates the senators and deputies who courageously dared to oppose this bill.
Moreover, if the right to abortion becomes constitutional, the Foundation is concerned about increased recourse to the law passed in 2017, which includes the offense of psychological obstruction to abortion. Although this law has received few practical applications to date, it carries the potential for imprisonment.
A Symbol of Death & A Eugenic Drift
The constitutionalization of abortion is a denial of the unconditional dignity of the human person. The freedom to abort is the freedom to end the life of a human being. No one can deny it. Enshrining it in the constitution just a few years after enshrining the prohibition of the death penalty is an aberration.
Furthermore, enshrining abortion in the constitution accelerates the eugenic drift of our society, which already screens fetuses based on genetic criteria. Today, 96% of unborn children with Down syndrome are thus victims of abortion. In a society that advocates inclusion and fraternity, can we accept that some are denied the right to live based on their genome?
Jean-Marie Le Méné, President of the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, asserts that “the respectability and sacredness of every human life have never been more threatened.”
The Jérôme Lejeune Foundation provides citizens with a tool to contact elected officials to oppose this constitutional bill:
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