Let’s do a thought experiment. Think of the group whom you find most dangerous or otherwise objectionable. It might be a political group on the left or right. It might be campaigners for a particular cause—Black Lives Matter, say, or a far-right activist group. In my case, that would include transgender activists and allies, especially those working to transition children and minors.
Now, imagine that some armed and angry people who share your antipathy to that group took up weapons and slaughtered over 1,000 of them in a single morning. Imagine that it kidnapped their children and was holding them hostage. How would you react?
In my case, I would be shocked and numbed beyond all telling. I would be staggered, revolted, and indeed ashamed that anyone associated with my beliefs had committed such savagery. I would not change my views on transgenderism and the trans movement, but I would recognize that the mass murder committed by Christians and right-wingers guilty of mass murder bring utter disgrace upon us. The evil deeds of these savages do not discredit our views, but at the very least common decency would require silence, reflection, and expressions of sorrow for the victims.
That is emphatically not what we saw from hundreds of thousands of Muslims last weekend, who gathered publicly to pledge support for Hamas, the terrorists who butchered defenseless Jews. They claimed to be supporting the Palestinian people, which is a respectable position to hold. But it must be possible to sympathize with the Palestinians, and support their desires for a better life, without endorsing the bloodthirsty Islamist berserkers who indiscriminately executed Jewish civilians in Palestine’s name.
We have come to expect that from moral cesspits outside the West, but these mass celebrations of Jew killing manifested in the heart of Europe. Tens of thousands gathered in London, Paris, Madrid, Genoa, and elsewhere, howling for the blood of Jews. One Londoner went to the demonstration there, and wrote on Twitter about what he saw:
It shook him to the core. He tweeted: “For British people—take this as a threat, if they’re willing to murder Israeli kids and grannies they’re willing to do it to us—seriously.”
(A side note: Though the disgusting demonstrations of Islamist bloodlust do not negate the grievances of Palestinians in Gaza, they, and the Hamas acts they cheered, ought to compel Palestinian sympathizers to pause and think about why the Israelis have sealed off Gaza. Last year I was in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, and felt great pity at the misery in which the people there live, walled in like a prison. And yet, the reason the Israelis constructed the separation barrier was to stop Palestinian suicide bombers of the Second Intifada. What were they supposed to do? Submit to having their citizens blown to bits on buses, ad infinitum? Hamas’s pogrom last week has made it unlikely that anyone now living will ever see Palestinians and Israelis living side by side in peace. Which is probably the point.)
The pan-European pro-Hamas demonstrations were an apocalypse, in the sense of an unveiling. The UK and Europe now have undeniable proof that they have imported into their civilization people who valorize murdering Jews, and who are not ashamed of it. The Nazis tried to hide their crimes; Hamas openly celebrated them. If Europe had just witnessed mass demonstrations of white people cheering for Kristallnacht and Bergen-Belsen, we would have not the slightest doubt that we faced an urgent social crisis. Well, we have now seen the equivalent, with most of the demonstrators being non-white Muslims who live among us.
Now what? We can’t unsee what we have seen. It is absolutely, unequivocally intolerable that European Jews should have to live in fear of Muslim antisemites living among us. What’s more, it really is the case that if they would do it to Jews, they would do it to the rest of us if given the chance. Europe has imported this insanity into its borders, and continues to do so every day that the borders remain functionally open at Lampedusa and elsewhere.
In Cambridge, Prof. James Orr has been hit with ludicrous accusations of “racism” for having tweeted the obvious truth: “Import the Arab world, become the Arab world.” Orr’s remark was in response to a British Jew’s tweet about how Islamic street violence made it impossible for her to get to the Israeli embassy to pay respects to the dead.
What, precisely, is wrong with Orr’s remark? It’s true, isn’t it? Antisemitism is rife in the Arab world, and Jew-hating there is not of the mild sort one used to hear among the gentry. Millions of Arab Muslims want Jews dead. This is a sickness that cannot be explained away or tolerated. As Winston Marshall tweeted the other day,
only a handful of London Muslims came out to protest against the active genocide of Uyghur Muslims by China. But give them the scent of Jewish blood, and the city’s Muslims hit the streets in huge numbers.
Europe has not only allowed this cancer to grow within, it has actively encouraged it through idiotic immigration policies. The pro-Hamas demonstrations were total vindication for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s hardline migration policies, which have long been viewed with contempt in Brussels and other European capitals. In 2016, Orban said, “For us migration is not a solution but a problem … not medicine but a poison. We don’t need it and won’t swallow it.”
He was right then, and he’s right now. Earlier this month, Orban railed against new EU-imposed laws on migration, saying provocatively, “If you are raped legally, forced to accept something you don’t like, how would you like to have a compromise and agreement? It’s impossible.”
After the Hamas massacres and the European manifestations, how can any sane European politician fault Orban? Ask yourself: if the pro-Hamas throngs decided to start smashing and burning things, who could have stopped them?
Right now—not tomorrow, not next week, but now—the UK and Europe needs to deport these Islamist radicals with all haste. If there is any legal reason, however flimsy, to do so, it must be deployed as a defense strategy. What’s more, all those vocal Hamas supporters who remain legally in European countries must be compelled to feel the pain of social opprobrium for their hateful antisemitism. We know exactly where this kind of thing leads: to the gas chambers.
Again, if those demonstrators clotting the hearts of European capitals with their demonic Jew-hatred had been white skinheads, no one would have the slightest doubt what they had seen, and what needed to be done not only to protect Jews, but to defend civil order. The idiotic leftism that gives non-white people a pass for violent bigotry has to end. And people like James Orr, who tell the truth about what the UK and Europe have done to themselves, must never be made to fear for living not by the lies of our age, among the most toxic of which is “diversity is our strength.”
“Islamophobia!” they and their media allies will yell. Well … yes, it is, to some extent, it is indeed fear of Islam. Which is rational. After the Hamas slaughter, and the vast throngs of Muslims shouting approval for them in the streets of Europe, you’d have to be an idiot not to be afraid. If that hurts the feelings of Muslims, so be it.
Yes, I know: not all Muslims agree with these people. I believe that … but it would be good to have some visible signs to justify that credo. Now is the time for good and decent Muslims to speak out vigorously to denounce Hamas, just as Jewish leaders did in 1994 when the wicked Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein massacred innocent Palestinian civilians in Hebron. If Islamic leaders in Britain and Europe spent even a fraction of the time fighting hatred within their communities as they do complaining about negativity directed towards their communities from the outside, there might be reason for hope.
There isn’t, so there isn’t. So be it. Wishful thinking and willful blindness about multiculturalism and migration has resulted in the importation of a class of people who last weekend showed themselves to be latter-day successors to the Nazis. “Never again!” we’ve said over and over since 1945, but if we don’t stand up without fear or apology to this evil in our midst, our hypocrisy will condemn us.
Europe’s Antisemitic Apocalypse
Demonstrators wave Palestinian flags and hold signs as they attend a rally in Madrid on October 15, 2023.
Let’s do a thought experiment. Think of the group whom you find most dangerous or otherwise objectionable. It might be a political group on the left or right. It might be campaigners for a particular cause—Black Lives Matter, say, or a far-right activist group. In my case, that would include transgender activists and allies, especially those working to transition children and minors.
Now, imagine that some armed and angry people who share your antipathy to that group took up weapons and slaughtered over 1,000 of them in a single morning. Imagine that it kidnapped their children and was holding them hostage. How would you react?
In my case, I would be shocked and numbed beyond all telling. I would be staggered, revolted, and indeed ashamed that anyone associated with my beliefs had committed such savagery. I would not change my views on transgenderism and the trans movement, but I would recognize that the mass murder committed by Christians and right-wingers guilty of mass murder bring utter disgrace upon us. The evil deeds of these savages do not discredit our views, but at the very least common decency would require silence, reflection, and expressions of sorrow for the victims.
That is emphatically not what we saw from hundreds of thousands of Muslims last weekend, who gathered publicly to pledge support for Hamas, the terrorists who butchered defenseless Jews. They claimed to be supporting the Palestinian people, which is a respectable position to hold. But it must be possible to sympathize with the Palestinians, and support their desires for a better life, without endorsing the bloodthirsty Islamist berserkers who indiscriminately executed Jewish civilians in Palestine’s name.
We have come to expect that from moral cesspits outside the West, but these mass celebrations of Jew killing manifested in the heart of Europe. Tens of thousands gathered in London, Paris, Madrid, Genoa, and elsewhere, howling for the blood of Jews. One Londoner went to the demonstration there, and wrote on Twitter about what he saw:
It shook him to the core. He tweeted: “For British people—take this as a threat, if they’re willing to murder Israeli kids and grannies they’re willing to do it to us—seriously.”
(A side note: Though the disgusting demonstrations of Islamist bloodlust do not negate the grievances of Palestinians in Gaza, they, and the Hamas acts they cheered, ought to compel Palestinian sympathizers to pause and think about why the Israelis have sealed off Gaza. Last year I was in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, and felt great pity at the misery in which the people there live, walled in like a prison. And yet, the reason the Israelis constructed the separation barrier was to stop Palestinian suicide bombers of the Second Intifada. What were they supposed to do? Submit to having their citizens blown to bits on buses, ad infinitum? Hamas’s pogrom last week has made it unlikely that anyone now living will ever see Palestinians and Israelis living side by side in peace. Which is probably the point.)
The pan-European pro-Hamas demonstrations were an apocalypse, in the sense of an unveiling. The UK and Europe now have undeniable proof that they have imported into their civilization people who valorize murdering Jews, and who are not ashamed of it. The Nazis tried to hide their crimes; Hamas openly celebrated them. If Europe had just witnessed mass demonstrations of white people cheering for Kristallnacht and Bergen-Belsen, we would have not the slightest doubt that we faced an urgent social crisis. Well, we have now seen the equivalent, with most of the demonstrators being non-white Muslims who live among us.
Now what? We can’t unsee what we have seen. It is absolutely, unequivocally intolerable that European Jews should have to live in fear of Muslim antisemites living among us. What’s more, it really is the case that if they would do it to Jews, they would do it to the rest of us if given the chance. Europe has imported this insanity into its borders, and continues to do so every day that the borders remain functionally open at Lampedusa and elsewhere.
In Cambridge, Prof. James Orr has been hit with ludicrous accusations of “racism” for having tweeted the obvious truth: “Import the Arab world, become the Arab world.” Orr’s remark was in response to a British Jew’s tweet about how Islamic street violence made it impossible for her to get to the Israeli embassy to pay respects to the dead.
What, precisely, is wrong with Orr’s remark? It’s true, isn’t it? Antisemitism is rife in the Arab world, and Jew-hating there is not of the mild sort one used to hear among the gentry. Millions of Arab Muslims want Jews dead. This is a sickness that cannot be explained away or tolerated. As Winston Marshall tweeted the other day,
only a handful of London Muslims came out to protest against the active genocide of Uyghur Muslims by China. But give them the scent of Jewish blood, and the city’s Muslims hit the streets in huge numbers.
Europe has not only allowed this cancer to grow within, it has actively encouraged it through idiotic immigration policies. The pro-Hamas demonstrations were total vindication for Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s hardline migration policies, which have long been viewed with contempt in Brussels and other European capitals. In 2016, Orban said, “For us migration is not a solution but a problem … not medicine but a poison. We don’t need it and won’t swallow it.”
He was right then, and he’s right now. Earlier this month, Orban railed against new EU-imposed laws on migration, saying provocatively, “If you are raped legally, forced to accept something you don’t like, how would you like to have a compromise and agreement? It’s impossible.”
After the Hamas massacres and the European manifestations, how can any sane European politician fault Orban? Ask yourself: if the pro-Hamas throngs decided to start smashing and burning things, who could have stopped them?
Right now—not tomorrow, not next week, but now—the UK and Europe needs to deport these Islamist radicals with all haste. If there is any legal reason, however flimsy, to do so, it must be deployed as a defense strategy. What’s more, all those vocal Hamas supporters who remain legally in European countries must be compelled to feel the pain of social opprobrium for their hateful antisemitism. We know exactly where this kind of thing leads: to the gas chambers.
Again, if those demonstrators clotting the hearts of European capitals with their demonic Jew-hatred had been white skinheads, no one would have the slightest doubt what they had seen, and what needed to be done not only to protect Jews, but to defend civil order. The idiotic leftism that gives non-white people a pass for violent bigotry has to end. And people like James Orr, who tell the truth about what the UK and Europe have done to themselves, must never be made to fear for living not by the lies of our age, among the most toxic of which is “diversity is our strength.”
“Islamophobia!” they and their media allies will yell. Well … yes, it is, to some extent, it is indeed fear of Islam. Which is rational. After the Hamas slaughter, and the vast throngs of Muslims shouting approval for them in the streets of Europe, you’d have to be an idiot not to be afraid. If that hurts the feelings of Muslims, so be it.
Yes, I know: not all Muslims agree with these people. I believe that … but it would be good to have some visible signs to justify that credo. Now is the time for good and decent Muslims to speak out vigorously to denounce Hamas, just as Jewish leaders did in 1994 when the wicked Israeli settler Baruch Goldstein massacred innocent Palestinian civilians in Hebron. If Islamic leaders in Britain and Europe spent even a fraction of the time fighting hatred within their communities as they do complaining about negativity directed towards their communities from the outside, there might be reason for hope.
There isn’t, so there isn’t. So be it. Wishful thinking and willful blindness about multiculturalism and migration has resulted in the importation of a class of people who last weekend showed themselves to be latter-day successors to the Nazis. “Never again!” we’ve said over and over since 1945, but if we don’t stand up without fear or apology to this evil in our midst, our hypocrisy will condemn us.
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