The UK Conservative Party are once again talking tough about the scourge of ‘grooming gangs,’ as Pakistani child rapists are euphemistically referred to in Britain. This should not surprise anyone. With the next general election likely only a year away, Home Secretary Suella Braverman is promising to make good Rishi Sunak’s 2022 pledge to stamp out this particular evil.
Let’s get the obvious criticism out of the way. Certainly, it’s electioneering. Yes, the Tories have been in power for 13 years and achieved next to nothing. They have been either profoundly incompetent or negligent at stopping the illegal Channel migrants coming in, many of whom are evidently criminals. And yes, Braverman is far from the first Home Secretary to make such promises. Priti Patel was still struggling to deport convicted groomers back in 2021, six years after their sentencing. Sajid Javid vowed to keep our children safe in 2018, and even Theresa May was determined to strip groomers of their citizenship, way back in 2016. We know how well all that went.
With a Tory party currently more socialist than conservative, optimism is a dangerous vice for right-of-centre voters. However, even achieved via the worst of motives, if anything can be done to reduce child sexual exploitation (CSE), it should be welcomed with open arms. It is within the realms of possibility that Braverman is trying to do her job, and we should not underestimate the degree to which she is being stymied by ‘activist’ Home Office staff, who are openly blocking her attempts to clean up the migrant crisis, something which dates back to Priti Patel’s tenure.
What we absolutely cannot do, however, is forgive the Left its predictable hypocrisy over the issue of grooming. For instance, the Labour Party’s Yvette Cooper, has dared to criticise Braverman for ‘failing to act’ due to sensitivities around race and ethnicity, when Labour councils up and down the country repeatedly turned a blind eye to grooming for precisely that reason.
Worse still was inveterate race-baiter Diane Abbott MP, who disingenuously tweeted that ‘Home Office research shows the majority of child abusers are white.’
How could that not be the case, when the UK is 87% white? Furiously scratching around for the claim that whites are top of the grooming list, Abbott is obviously referring to this much-vaunted Home Office report from 2020, favoured by Guardian journalists, one of whom had this to say:
The majority of child sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men under the age of 30, an official paper has said. The report, which covers England, Scotland and Wales and summarises a range of studies on the issue of group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE), also known as grooming gangs, said there was not enough evidence to conclude that child sexual abuse gangs were disproportionately made up of Asian offenders.
Of course, what Abbott et al will never tell you, is that the report also says this:
Research has found that group-based child sexual exploitation offenders are most commonly white. Some studies suggest an overrepresentation of black and Asian offenders relative to the demographics of national populations. However, it is not possible to conclude that this is representative of all group-based CSE offending.
There is a good reason why the government consistently finds it impossible to draw conclusions on the precise demography of child sexual exploitation and grooming gangs in Britain—because the data gathering and reporting are shrouded in secrecy, deception, and downright lies, as we shall see. Before we get to the actual statistics, however, let’s examine the overwhelming circumstantial evidence.
For the sake of argument, let’s assume that Sunak and Braverman (both of Indian heritage) are blatant white supremacists, shamelessly rabble-rousing the far-right of their party. This does little to explain the left-wing politicians who have spoken out against grooming. Take Labour MP Ann Cryer, who bravely took a stand two decades ago; Labour Home Secretary Jack Straw, who argued, a decade later, that Pakistani men consider white girls ‘easy meat’ for sexual abuse, or Sarah Champion, who was forced to resign from Jeremy Corbyn’s cabinet for raising the issue back in 2017. With four out of five British Muslims reliably voting for the Labour Party, what incentive would they have for doing this unless it were true?
Then there are key figures within the authorities who admit mistakes. According to former Crown Prosecution Service prosecutor, Nazir Afzal, Gordon Brown’s government urged police not to investigate grooming gangs back in 2008:
You may not know this, but back in 2008 the Home Office sent a circular to all police forces in the country saying “as far as these young girls who are being exploited in towns and cities, we believe they have made an informed choice about their sexual behaviour and therefore it is not for you police officers to get involved in.
Even Keir Starmer, former head of the Crown Prosecution Service, has admitted that “we failed the victims of grooming gangs.”
Then, perhaps worst of all, there’s the police. The police who covered up the scandal of systematic child abuse for fear of being called ‘racist.’ This is the police who allowed victims to be collected from the police station by their attackers; the police who made backroom deals with gang leaders; the police who preferred to arrest rape victims and their parents. And, let’s not forget, the police who still refuse to collect data on the ethnicity of those committing these crimes.
You can go further if you like. You can examine the silencing of whistle-blowers, the Home Office files which repeatedly ‘go missing,’ or the endless reports which after years of investigation have the gall to conclude: “Poor or non-existent data collection makes it impossible to know whether any particular ethnic group is over-represented as perpetrators of child sexual exploitation by networks.” While it is nigh on impossible to avoid the conclusion that ‘grooming gangs’ have been anything other than a generation-long establishment cover-up, what you cannot ignore is the fact that such a cover-up has only occurred because of the racial and ethnic sensitivities at play.
And yet, even accounting for all this obfuscation and mendacity, there is still plenty of evidence available, were one inclined to go looking for it. Let’s start with the Jay Report, 2014, which examined the highly-conservative estimate of 1,400 girls sexually abused in Rotherham from 1997-2013. This was the unequivocal comment on demography:
By far the majority of perpetrators were described as ‘Asian’ by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away. Several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.
A year later, there came the Casey Report, which concluded much the same:
In Rotherham, the phenomenon of CSE emerging from the late 1990s onwards concerned a majority of white, female, adolescent or teenage victims and a majority of Pakistani heritage adult male perpetrators. Early concerns raised about CSE by youth workers and others had also repeatedly mentioned taxi drivers.
This predominant involvement of Pakistani heritage men was certainly the view of all those who Inspectors spoke to who had been close to operational work around street grooming and CSE in Rotherham in the previous 15 years. Victims shared this view. Our review of case files and strategy meetings held about perpetrators and victims as well as other information we came across, confirmed that perpetrators were usually described as being Pakistani men. This was a matter of fact.
However the wider culture in Rotherham we have described meant that from the outset the added dimension of the ethnic background of perpetrators was an awkward and uncomfortable truth which, in the view of the inspection team, affected the way that the Council (and the police) dealt with CSE.
And then there was last year’s Telford Inquiry, which had this to say:
On the papers disclosed by key stakeholders, it is an undeniable fact that a high proportion of those cases involved perpetrators that were described by victims/survivors and others as being “Asian” or, often, “Pakistani.” The Inquiry has itself also heard such accounts from victims/survivors. In considering the evidence, and in particular the disclosed material, I have been cautious not to infer too much from names, which may indicate wider geographical background and indeed religious heritage, but are wholly unreliable indicators of national background and (in particular) religious belief. Even bearing that in mind, however, the evidence plainly shows that the majority of CSE suspects in Telford during my Terms of Reference were men of southern Asian heritage, including all the men convicted in Chalice, and Operations Delta and Epsilon.
If you are of a statistical persuasion, or would prefer to dig deeper into the specifics, there is an excellent Twitter analysis by independent journalist Charlie Peters, which completely debunks the nonsense parroted by those such as Diane Abbott, who clearly have every intention of hiding the truth.
The bottom line of all this is that Suella Braverman is right. We all know who is responsible for the heinous targeting of vulnerable white girls: it isn’t white men, it isn’t ‘diverse groups,’ and it isn’t ‘Asians,’ which is a despicable slur. It is Pakistani Muslim men, who consider their victims nothing more than “white slags.”
Whether this lacklustre Conservative administration has the guts to finally do anything about it is extremely debatable. What is clear, however, is that left-wing politicians cannot be allowed to perpetuate the lies that got us into this mess in the first place, and walk back to power by the sacrifice of more white, working-class victims. We cannot have any more seven-year Jay Reports which tell us nothing—it’s time to get serious.
Pakistani ‘Grooming Gangs’: The Left’s Cover-up Continues
Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Home Secretary Suella Braverman attend a meeting with local community and police leaders following the announcement of a new police task force to help officers tackle grooming gangs, in Rochdale, northern England on April 3, 2023. (Photo by PHIL NOBLE / POOL / AFP)
The UK Conservative Party are once again talking tough about the scourge of ‘grooming gangs,’ as Pakistani child rapists are euphemistically referred to in Britain. This should not surprise anyone. With the next general election likely only a year away, Home Secretary Suella Braverman is promising to make good Rishi Sunak’s 2022 pledge to stamp out this particular evil.
Let’s get the obvious criticism out of the way. Certainly, it’s electioneering. Yes, the Tories have been in power for 13 years and achieved next to nothing. They have been either profoundly incompetent or negligent at stopping the illegal Channel migrants coming in, many of whom are evidently criminals. And yes, Braverman is far from the first Home Secretary to make such promises. Priti Patel was still struggling to deport convicted groomers back in 2021, six years after their sentencing. Sajid Javid vowed to keep our children safe in 2018, and even Theresa May was determined to strip groomers of their citizenship, way back in 2016. We know how well all that went.
With a Tory party currently more socialist than conservative, optimism is a dangerous vice for right-of-centre voters. However, even achieved via the worst of motives, if anything can be done to reduce child sexual exploitation (CSE), it should be welcomed with open arms. It is within the realms of possibility that Braverman is trying to do her job, and we should not underestimate the degree to which she is being stymied by ‘activist’ Home Office staff, who are openly blocking her attempts to clean up the migrant crisis, something which dates back to Priti Patel’s tenure.
What we absolutely cannot do, however, is forgive the Left its predictable hypocrisy over the issue of grooming. For instance, the Labour Party’s Yvette Cooper, has dared to criticise Braverman for ‘failing to act’ due to sensitivities around race and ethnicity, when Labour councils up and down the country repeatedly turned a blind eye to grooming for precisely that reason.
Worse still was inveterate race-baiter Diane Abbott MP, who disingenuously tweeted that ‘Home Office research shows the majority of child abusers are white.’
How could that not be the case, when the UK is 87% white? Furiously scratching around for the claim that whites are top of the grooming list, Abbott is obviously referring to this much-vaunted Home Office report from 2020, favoured by Guardian journalists, one of whom had this to say:
Of course, what Abbott et al will never tell you, is that the report also says this:
There is a good reason why the government consistently finds it impossible to draw conclusions on the precise demography of child sexual exploitation and grooming gangs in Britain—because the data gathering and reporting are shrouded in secrecy, deception, and downright lies, as we shall see. Before we get to the actual statistics, however, let’s examine the overwhelming circumstantial evidence.
For the sake of argument, let’s assume that Sunak and Braverman (both of Indian heritage) are blatant white supremacists, shamelessly rabble-rousing the far-right of their party. This does little to explain the left-wing politicians who have spoken out against grooming. Take Labour MP Ann Cryer, who bravely took a stand two decades ago; Labour Home Secretary Jack Straw, who argued, a decade later, that Pakistani men consider white girls ‘easy meat’ for sexual abuse, or Sarah Champion, who was forced to resign from Jeremy Corbyn’s cabinet for raising the issue back in 2017. With four out of five British Muslims reliably voting for the Labour Party, what incentive would they have for doing this unless it were true?
Then there are key figures within the authorities who admit mistakes. According to former Crown Prosecution Service prosecutor, Nazir Afzal, Gordon Brown’s government urged police not to investigate grooming gangs back in 2008:
Even Keir Starmer, former head of the Crown Prosecution Service, has admitted that “we failed the victims of grooming gangs.”
Then, perhaps worst of all, there’s the police. The police who covered up the scandal of systematic child abuse for fear of being called ‘racist.’ This is the police who allowed victims to be collected from the police station by their attackers; the police who made backroom deals with gang leaders; the police who preferred to arrest rape victims and their parents. And, let’s not forget, the police who still refuse to collect data on the ethnicity of those committing these crimes.
You can go further if you like. You can examine the silencing of whistle-blowers, the Home Office files which repeatedly ‘go missing,’ or the endless reports which after years of investigation have the gall to conclude: “Poor or non-existent data collection makes it impossible to know whether any particular ethnic group is over-represented as perpetrators of child sexual exploitation by networks.” While it is nigh on impossible to avoid the conclusion that ‘grooming gangs’ have been anything other than a generation-long establishment cover-up, what you cannot ignore is the fact that such a cover-up has only occurred because of the racial and ethnic sensitivities at play.
And yet, even accounting for all this obfuscation and mendacity, there is still plenty of evidence available, were one inclined to go looking for it. Let’s start with the Jay Report, 2014, which examined the highly-conservative estimate of 1,400 girls sexually abused in Rotherham from 1997-2013. This was the unequivocal comment on demography:
A year later, there came the Casey Report, which concluded much the same:
And then there was last year’s Telford Inquiry, which had this to say:
If you are of a statistical persuasion, or would prefer to dig deeper into the specifics, there is an excellent Twitter analysis by independent journalist Charlie Peters, which completely debunks the nonsense parroted by those such as Diane Abbott, who clearly have every intention of hiding the truth.
The bottom line of all this is that Suella Braverman is right. We all know who is responsible for the heinous targeting of vulnerable white girls: it isn’t white men, it isn’t ‘diverse groups,’ and it isn’t ‘Asians,’ which is a despicable slur. It is Pakistani Muslim men, who consider their victims nothing more than “white slags.”
Whether this lacklustre Conservative administration has the guts to finally do anything about it is extremely debatable. What is clear, however, is that left-wing politicians cannot be allowed to perpetuate the lies that got us into this mess in the first place, and walk back to power by the sacrifice of more white, working-class victims. We cannot have any more seven-year Jay Reports which tell us nothing—it’s time to get serious.
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