The Beatles first visited the United States in 1964. They were the tip of the spear of the so-called British Invasion, the first of several pop groups to take America by storm. Fifty years later, Britain would export another boy band also named the Beatles. However, instead of touring the United States, they travelled to Syria, where they beheaded journalists and aid workers in cold blood. You could not invent a better signifier of British decline.
This cultural transformation does not reflect British hearts and minds. As a nation, we weren’t persuaded by fist-banging muftis or gun-toting clerics. On the contrary, the shift in our society has been imposed from the outside. A cocktail of involuntary impositions, mass legal and illegal migration, a Pravda programme of censorship, and the cowardice of our leaders have rendered swathes of British society unrecognisable. In this regard we stand apart from our European neighbours for our exceptional naïveté. We all know of Jihadi John, but as the Italian comic Nicholas De Santo remarked “nobody has ever heard of jihadi Pavarotti.”
For decades, a sickness has been permitted to fester in the British body. As with any illness, the next best thing after prevention is early intervention, but our leaders have been complicit in the gestation of this illness, both by their negligence and the suppression of brave people who have tried to raise the alarm. Even now, as this malignant thing spares no organ of the state, the language we need to even so much as diagnose the problem is considered worse than the disease itself.
In 2014 Labour MP Sarah Champion briefed then Prime Minister David Cameron and his cabinet on grooming gangs over the course of four hours. Her complaints were indulged by the government and then ignored. Later that year, she told the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror, who uncritically repeated her claims, that “child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted one million youngsters in the UK.” But it was in 2017, when she named the culprits, that the establishment moved against her. Champion wrote for The Sun that “British Pakistani men are raping and exploiting white girls … and it’s time we faced up to it.”
The retribution the rapists had been spared for decades was inflicted on Champion within hours. She was forced to resign from her frontbench role as shadow minister for women and equalities and was subject to death threats from Leftist and Islamist elements. In 2018 it was reported that Champion’s security was beefed up by the metropolitan police after Scotland Yard’s counterterrorism unit increased her risk level. The truth toll is too high a price for most to pay.
In the years since Champion was gagged, one report after another has exposed the horrors about which she warned. In every case, local government officials, police officers, and civil servants are either found to have been actively involved in the crimes or complicit in their coverup for fear of being called racist.
Telford is a town—like Rotherham, Rochdale, Peterborough, Keighley, Oxford, Huddersfield, and dozens of others—plagued by Pakistani groomers. More than 1,000 children have been abused in that small Shropshire town since the 1980s. The 2001 census of the Telford & Wrekin borough records that just 2,000 Muslims lived there at the time; the latest census still only counts 3,000. It is estimated that 300 individuals were involved in the Telford gangs, that’s 15% of Telford’s Muslim population; or put another way, over 30% of its entire adult, male Muslim population have been sexually abusing white children.
When these inquiries publish their findings, they are barely mentioned by the media. Reports often fail to make it further than a local paper or television bulletin, before being shoved off the schedule in favour of more important news, like cake-gate. The erstwhile PM Boris Johnson’s breach of lockdown rules captured televisual audiences for an entire year while the coverage of mass rape dies like a word in a crowd.
This issue is almost never discussed in Parliament or on mainstream platforms, and if it is, euphemisms are employed to obfuscate the issue. If we are told about the identity of the culprits, we are told that they are “mainly Asian,” as if Japanese and Vietnamese immigrants are also to blame. In the view of the British establishment, the worst crime is punishing these criminals.
Illegal Invasion
If it wasn’t already obvious, this rape epidemic would be understood by any sane government as the consequence of failing to vet those we let in. And yet, in 2022, over 40,000 migrants have illegally entered the UK by boat. That’s up from 28,526 who came in 2021. Most of these migrants are brought to shore by our own Border Force. In some instances, the Border Force enters French waters to pick them up and taxi them to Dover. On arrival, they are placed in a detention facility for 48 hours—though it’s been quite the scandal that in recent weeks this detention period has extended to a week or two.
Thereafter the migrants are put up in hotel accommodations. The taxpayer picks up the tab for their food, board, washing, and pays them a weekly cash allowance of 40 pounds. In March 2020, the National Audit Office reported 48,000 asylum seekers were living in hotels. Today that number could be more than three times as high, but we can’t be sure, because the government isn’t telling us.
A quarter of the accommodation booked for illegal arrivals are in four- or five-star hotels. Last October alone, an extra 4,500 hotel beds were secured to service the increasing demand. In November, a so-called refugee raped a teenage boy in a London migrant hotel. He has been bailed pending a trial in January. Metro reports that this is the second sexual attack on a teenage boy at this venue in as many months.
There was an attempt to house single-male illegal entrants at military sites. But the migrants torched them to the ground in arson attacks. The Daily Mail reported that:
According to the Home Office, the migrants became ‘aggressive, turned violent and began to set about destroying the barracks’. Sources said staff were barricaded into a room, although they managed to get free, while windows were smashed and a building was set on fire.
The Napier barracks had been lived in and garrisoned by British troops since 1794. It was good enough for our fighting men, but not up to scratch for illegal immigrants. And if one of our lads had set fire to the place at any point in the past two centuries, he would have been court-martialled and imprisoned, not moved on to a hotel.
The new Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, said on the floor of the House of Commons, that this illegal influx was an “invasion.” This was met with a familiar chorus of execration. Home Office apparatchiks fuelled the smearing of their boss with anonymous briefings to the media, which have been bandied around not only by the left-wing opposition but by some Conservative MPs as well. The establishment which had been remarkably relaxed about the invasion became at a moment thrown into a state of excitement by the use of the word “invasion” to describe it.
No such furore was kicked up by the broadcast journalists, the blue checks, or MPs about the sexual violence, the arson, and the costs incurred by illegal immigration. These are just the tip of the iceberg. In Stoke-on-Trent, homeless and otherwise vulnerable Britons are being expelled from their temporary hotel accommodation at the North Stafford hotel, to be replaced by illegal migrants. Children in Kent are sent to the back of the queue for a school place, with illegal migrants taking precedence. Council officials wrote to the government that schools in Ashford and Canterbury “currently have no Year 7 and Year 9 places for local children due to the unexpected and therefore unplanned for arrivals of refugee children disproportionately placed by the Home Office in these two local authority areas.”
In 2021 alone, it is estimated that up to 2% of the entire adult male population of Albania has illegally entered the UK, and now enjoy life in a hotel at our expense. Albanian Crown Prince Leka tweeted that his compatriots were improving British society.
It is curious that these individuals choose to enrich other countries instead of their own.
It’s not as if Britain doesn’t do its bit. By July of 2022, the Home Office had welcomed 100,000 Ukrainian asylum seekers onto British soil. As of August 2022, over 20,000 Afghan refugees had been taken in as part of a generous resettlement scheme. As of May 2022, over 113,000 visas had been awarded to Hong Kong nationals after China stamped on their democracy. The UK spent £11.5 billion in foreign aid in 2022, with over half going straight to Africa. In 2021, we gave £14.5 billion, and for the past nine years, we have given away 0.7% of our GDP annually to other countries. But that’s not enough; it’s never enough.
On hearing the news that illegal migrants were committing sexual violence in a London hotel, Labour MP Diane Abbott tweeted:
Teenage boy raped at hotel housing refugees. Terrible case. But it is what happens when you demonise migrants and take NO responsibility for safeguarding migrant children. #SuellaBravermanOut
It’s enough to make you drunk with rage.
Losing Control
The British state has lost control of migrant populations. Needless to say, they aren’t integrating well into our society. For example, did you know that more British Muslims joined ISIS than enlisted with the British army? The Guardian did a hilarious fact check on the claim and accidentally proved that it is correct. They reported that in 2014 there were 650 Muslims in the armed forces and that 750 Muslims had gone to fight in Syria. But in order to debunk the claim—an important task since it was Donald Trump who made it—they cited Shiraz Maher who said:
Most of those who went out in the earlier phases of the civil war were not joining Isis, they were going to Jabhat al-Nusra, and many other groups. Since last year, though, it has been pretty much one-way traffic to Islamic State, but at the beginning, it was much more diverse and we don’t really know for sure where they went.
Well, that’s me told. They joined Jabhat al-Nusra, an ISIS-allied group! Furthermore, The Guardian reported that 260 ISIS fighters had returned to Britain; very reassuring. As of 2019, 900 had gone to fight in Syria and an estimated 40% had returned. If they had any smarts about them, they would have re-entered illegally by boat and sailed straight through to a life of luxury.
Perhaps they’ll in time join their comrades in arms like Emad al-Swealmeen, a failed asylum seeker permitted to remain in Britain who set a bomb off at a maternity hospital. Or Salman Ramadan Abedi, the son of a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, who was granted asylum in the UK and showed his appreciation by committing a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert, killing 23 and injuring over 1,000. It’s worth mentioning that the reason Salman succeeded in entering the concert is because, despite concerns, the security guard was afraid to stop him for fear of being called a racist. Better to die than be called a racist.
When Braverman used the word “invasion,” there was a concerted attempt to remove her. The media confected a crisis with the intention of heaping pressure on the prime minister to sack her. The Independent reported on an “asylum centre crisis,” referring to transient overcrowding at a centre that asylum seekers had crossed half the planet to enter voluntarily. The Huffington Post reported that the foreign minister of Belize branded her plans “inhumane.” The Mirror carried a letter penned by Holocaust survivors condemning her “dangerous” remarks.
It’s the broadcast journalists who are the most venal though because they pretend to report news, rather than make it. ITV’s Robert Peston devoted scores of tweets to conjuring the illusion of crisis. One thread begins
There is a full scale political crisis for the home secretary Suella Braverman and new PM Rishi Sunak in the failure to prevent the Manston migrant processing centre being totally overwhelmed by asylum seekers. Here are the important facts.
His complaint isn’t that they weren’t prevented from entering successfully; it’s that they weren’t moved into hotels fast enough. Peston has never devoted a 20-tweet thread to the systematic, racially motivated rape of white girls, nor to domestic terrorists or British Muslims travelling abroad to fight. Never has he been so animated about the cost of illegal migration, in monetary, cultural, or security terms. The knife-crime epidemic has never bothered him so much, although maybe an imperfect stop-and-search has. But the fleeting state of an overly crowded centre—and it’s worth restating, we aren’t kidnapping people; they are illegally entering our country—is a cause for moral panic.
It’s not completely irrational. Words have power, and powerful people know it. They also know that using a word like invasion is imperative in understanding—which is a precondition to resolving—the real crisis. And they will use every means at their disposal to stop that from happening.
The British Invasion, Part I
The Beatles first visited the United States in 1964. They were the tip of the spear of the so-called British Invasion, the first of several pop groups to take America by storm. Fifty years later, Britain would export another boy band also named the Beatles. However, instead of touring the United States, they travelled to Syria, where they beheaded journalists and aid workers in cold blood. You could not invent a better signifier of British decline.
This cultural transformation does not reflect British hearts and minds. As a nation, we weren’t persuaded by fist-banging muftis or gun-toting clerics. On the contrary, the shift in our society has been imposed from the outside. A cocktail of involuntary impositions, mass legal and illegal migration, a Pravda programme of censorship, and the cowardice of our leaders have rendered swathes of British society unrecognisable. In this regard we stand apart from our European neighbours for our exceptional naïveté. We all know of Jihadi John, but as the Italian comic Nicholas De Santo remarked “nobody has ever heard of jihadi Pavarotti.”
For decades, a sickness has been permitted to fester in the British body. As with any illness, the next best thing after prevention is early intervention, but our leaders have been complicit in the gestation of this illness, both by their negligence and the suppression of brave people who have tried to raise the alarm. Even now, as this malignant thing spares no organ of the state, the language we need to even so much as diagnose the problem is considered worse than the disease itself.
In 2014 Labour MP Sarah Champion briefed then Prime Minister David Cameron and his cabinet on grooming gangs over the course of four hours. Her complaints were indulged by the government and then ignored. Later that year, she told the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror, who uncritically repeated her claims, that “child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted one million youngsters in the UK.” But it was in 2017, when she named the culprits, that the establishment moved against her. Champion wrote for The Sun that “British Pakistani men are raping and exploiting white girls … and it’s time we faced up to it.”
The retribution the rapists had been spared for decades was inflicted on Champion within hours. She was forced to resign from her frontbench role as shadow minister for women and equalities and was subject to death threats from Leftist and Islamist elements. In 2018 it was reported that Champion’s security was beefed up by the metropolitan police after Scotland Yard’s counterterrorism unit increased her risk level. The truth toll is too high a price for most to pay.
In the years since Champion was gagged, one report after another has exposed the horrors about which she warned. In every case, local government officials, police officers, and civil servants are either found to have been actively involved in the crimes or complicit in their coverup for fear of being called racist.
Telford is a town—like Rotherham, Rochdale, Peterborough, Keighley, Oxford, Huddersfield, and dozens of others—plagued by Pakistani groomers. More than 1,000 children have been abused in that small Shropshire town since the 1980s. The 2001 census of the Telford & Wrekin borough records that just 2,000 Muslims lived there at the time; the latest census still only counts 3,000. It is estimated that 300 individuals were involved in the Telford gangs, that’s 15% of Telford’s Muslim population; or put another way, over 30% of its entire adult, male Muslim population have been sexually abusing white children.
When these inquiries publish their findings, they are barely mentioned by the media. Reports often fail to make it further than a local paper or television bulletin, before being shoved off the schedule in favour of more important news, like cake-gate. The erstwhile PM Boris Johnson’s breach of lockdown rules captured televisual audiences for an entire year while the coverage of mass rape dies like a word in a crowd.
This issue is almost never discussed in Parliament or on mainstream platforms, and if it is, euphemisms are employed to obfuscate the issue. If we are told about the identity of the culprits, we are told that they are “mainly Asian,” as if Japanese and Vietnamese immigrants are also to blame. In the view of the British establishment, the worst crime is punishing these criminals.
Illegal Invasion
If it wasn’t already obvious, this rape epidemic would be understood by any sane government as the consequence of failing to vet those we let in. And yet, in 2022, over 40,000 migrants have illegally entered the UK by boat. That’s up from 28,526 who came in 2021. Most of these migrants are brought to shore by our own Border Force. In some instances, the Border Force enters French waters to pick them up and taxi them to Dover. On arrival, they are placed in a detention facility for 48 hours—though it’s been quite the scandal that in recent weeks this detention period has extended to a week or two.
Thereafter the migrants are put up in hotel accommodations. The taxpayer picks up the tab for their food, board, washing, and pays them a weekly cash allowance of 40 pounds. In March 2020, the National Audit Office reported 48,000 asylum seekers were living in hotels. Today that number could be more than three times as high, but we can’t be sure, because the government isn’t telling us.
A quarter of the accommodation booked for illegal arrivals are in four- or five-star hotels. Last October alone, an extra 4,500 hotel beds were secured to service the increasing demand. In November, a so-called refugee raped a teenage boy in a London migrant hotel. He has been bailed pending a trial in January. Metro reports that this is the second sexual attack on a teenage boy at this venue in as many months.
There was an attempt to house single-male illegal entrants at military sites. But the migrants torched them to the ground in arson attacks. The Daily Mail reported that:
The Napier barracks had been lived in and garrisoned by British troops since 1794. It was good enough for our fighting men, but not up to scratch for illegal immigrants. And if one of our lads had set fire to the place at any point in the past two centuries, he would have been court-martialled and imprisoned, not moved on to a hotel.
The new Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, said on the floor of the House of Commons, that this illegal influx was an “invasion.” This was met with a familiar chorus of execration. Home Office apparatchiks fuelled the smearing of their boss with anonymous briefings to the media, which have been bandied around not only by the left-wing opposition but by some Conservative MPs as well. The establishment which had been remarkably relaxed about the invasion became at a moment thrown into a state of excitement by the use of the word “invasion” to describe it.
No such furore was kicked up by the broadcast journalists, the blue checks, or MPs about the sexual violence, the arson, and the costs incurred by illegal immigration. These are just the tip of the iceberg. In Stoke-on-Trent, homeless and otherwise vulnerable Britons are being expelled from their temporary hotel accommodation at the North Stafford hotel, to be replaced by illegal migrants. Children in Kent are sent to the back of the queue for a school place, with illegal migrants taking precedence. Council officials wrote to the government that schools in Ashford and Canterbury “currently have no Year 7 and Year 9 places for local children due to the unexpected and therefore unplanned for arrivals of refugee children disproportionately placed by the Home Office in these two local authority areas.”
In 2021 alone, it is estimated that up to 2% of the entire adult male population of Albania has illegally entered the UK, and now enjoy life in a hotel at our expense. Albanian Crown Prince Leka tweeted that his compatriots were improving British society.
It is curious that these individuals choose to enrich other countries instead of their own.
It’s not as if Britain doesn’t do its bit. By July of 2022, the Home Office had welcomed 100,000 Ukrainian asylum seekers onto British soil. As of August 2022, over 20,000 Afghan refugees had been taken in as part of a generous resettlement scheme. As of May 2022, over 113,000 visas had been awarded to Hong Kong nationals after China stamped on their democracy. The UK spent £11.5 billion in foreign aid in 2022, with over half going straight to Africa. In 2021, we gave £14.5 billion, and for the past nine years, we have given away 0.7% of our GDP annually to other countries. But that’s not enough; it’s never enough.
On hearing the news that illegal migrants were committing sexual violence in a London hotel, Labour MP Diane Abbott tweeted:
It’s enough to make you drunk with rage.
Losing Control
The British state has lost control of migrant populations. Needless to say, they aren’t integrating well into our society. For example, did you know that more British Muslims joined ISIS than enlisted with the British army? The Guardian did a hilarious fact check on the claim and accidentally proved that it is correct. They reported that in 2014 there were 650 Muslims in the armed forces and that 750 Muslims had gone to fight in Syria. But in order to debunk the claim—an important task since it was Donald Trump who made it—they cited Shiraz Maher who said:
Well, that’s me told. They joined Jabhat al-Nusra, an ISIS-allied group! Furthermore, The Guardian reported that 260 ISIS fighters had returned to Britain; very reassuring. As of 2019, 900 had gone to fight in Syria and an estimated 40% had returned. If they had any smarts about them, they would have re-entered illegally by boat and sailed straight through to a life of luxury.
Perhaps they’ll in time join their comrades in arms like Emad al-Swealmeen, a failed asylum seeker permitted to remain in Britain who set a bomb off at a maternity hospital. Or Salman Ramadan Abedi, the son of a member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, who was granted asylum in the UK and showed his appreciation by committing a suicide bombing at an Ariana Grande concert, killing 23 and injuring over 1,000. It’s worth mentioning that the reason Salman succeeded in entering the concert is because, despite concerns, the security guard was afraid to stop him for fear of being called a racist. Better to die than be called a racist.
When Braverman used the word “invasion,” there was a concerted attempt to remove her. The media confected a crisis with the intention of heaping pressure on the prime minister to sack her. The Independent reported on an “asylum centre crisis,” referring to transient overcrowding at a centre that asylum seekers had crossed half the planet to enter voluntarily. The Huffington Post reported that the foreign minister of Belize branded her plans “inhumane.” The Mirror carried a letter penned by Holocaust survivors condemning her “dangerous” remarks.
It’s the broadcast journalists who are the most venal though because they pretend to report news, rather than make it. ITV’s Robert Peston devoted scores of tweets to conjuring the illusion of crisis. One thread begins
His complaint isn’t that they weren’t prevented from entering successfully; it’s that they weren’t moved into hotels fast enough. Peston has never devoted a 20-tweet thread to the systematic, racially motivated rape of white girls, nor to domestic terrorists or British Muslims travelling abroad to fight. Never has he been so animated about the cost of illegal migration, in monetary, cultural, or security terms. The knife-crime epidemic has never bothered him so much, although maybe an imperfect stop-and-search has. But the fleeting state of an overly crowded centre—and it’s worth restating, we aren’t kidnapping people; they are illegally entering our country—is a cause for moral panic.
It’s not completely irrational. Words have power, and powerful people know it. They also know that using a word like invasion is imperative in understanding—which is a precondition to resolving—the real crisis. And they will use every means at their disposal to stop that from happening.
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