An MP-led select committee, chaired by former Labour Party Deputy Leader Harriet Harman, and advised by a KC known for tweeting disparaging remarks about Boris Johnson, was somehow expected to lead an impartial investigation into Johnson’s conduct regarding his observance of his own COVID lockdown rules, and whether he misled Parliament over such conduct. It is now well-known that he and his staff repeatedly met for drinks at No. 10 Downing Street, in violation of his own government’s lockdown rules. He has admitted as much and paid a £50 fine as punishment. The question that remained was whether he had misled Parliament about such unlawful gatherings. Over the weekend, having been notified by the select committee that it intended to criticise him—implying that they believed he had deliberately lied to parliament—he sought to avoid embarrassment by stepping down as MP of Uxbridge and South Ruislip and leaving Parliament altogether.
In a statement in which he detailed his decision to step down as MP, he called Harman’s Privileges Committee a “kangaroo court,” and openly rejected their proceedings. He went further, however, stating that he had lost his “faith” in the “impartiality of our systems,” and claiming that he was the victim of a “witch hunt” that had been organised to “take revenge for Brexit.” He went on to say that:
The Privileges Committee is there to protect the privileges of Parliament. That is a very important job. They should not be using their powers—which have only been very recently designed—to mount what is plainly a political hit job on someone they oppose.
Johnson is correct that such a committee should not be using its powers to carry out politically motivated attacks, and it’s hard not to believe that there is some truth to his claim that that’s what we’re really witnessing. Moreover, if that is what we’re seeing, a “dangerous and unsettling precedent,” as he said in his statement, is indeed being set. But this is only one in a sequence of such precedent-setting events that have rapidly moved the UK political system from one of universally admired impartiality and fairness to one of arbitrary power. Perhaps no one has been more instrumental in this shift of political culture than Boris himself.
Johnson’s hypocrisy
Towards the end of Johnson’s statement, he boasted of his role in overseeing the “fastest vaccine roll out of any major European country.” It amazes me that politicians are still speaking of the ‘miracle vaccine’ that was supposed to free us from the purportedly deadly COVID virus. Our own homegrown vaccine from Oxford, AstraZeneca, turned out to be so dangerous that it had to be withdrawn altogether. As for Pfizer and Moderna, we were specifically told that the primary reason for taking such highly experimental ‘emergency authorised only’ drugs, using novel mRNA technology that was hastily made and under tested, was that we all had to prevent transmission to save the lives of others. “Get vaccinated or you’ll kill Granny!” was the constant mantra of the sheep we all found ourselves living with. Since then, we have been told that these companies had not even tested for prevention of transmission before they released their drugs on the public. The PM and his government, when they stated that these vaccines would prevent transmission and that this was the primary reason for receiving them, must have known that the drugs hadn’t even been tested for this purpose.
Initially, we were told that the vaccines were “safe and effective.” Then it turned out that they weren’t very safe, as we all watched numerous young sports players collapse with cardiac arrests following vaccine-reception. We were assured, however, that they would prevent both transmission and contraction of the virus—but then it turned out that that wasn’t true either. Then we were told that they at least minimised symptoms, a claim that is not only beginning to look bogus but certainly wouldn’t warrant their ‘emergency authorised’ status in any case. The whole thing hasn’t just been a failure, but a hugely dangerous experiment on the public.
Then there were the lockdowns, which effectively imprisoned the public in their homes. Weighty evidence is now being produced to show that, by every possible relevant analysis, the lockdowns did far more harm than any good they did or could have been predicted to do. We all had to suffer this colossal infringement on our basic liberties whilst simultaneously being subjected to a terror campaign involving a thuggish police force and, against any legal requirement, aggressive pressure to cover up our faces—another policy that was shown to achieve nothing in regard to virus transmission. Many of those who said they wouldn’t capitulate were threatened with loss of employment at a time when industry had grinded to a halt and almost nobody was hiring. Where were our ‘English liberties’ and ‘rights to fairness’ that Johnson wants us to recall now that his political career is wobbling?
The government, under Johnson’s leadership, subjected its citizenry to nearly two years of psychological torture and highly dangerous chemical experimentation over what turned out to be a non-lethal virus. The fact is, they were all in on it. Ours became a one-party system over COVID, as Labour’s only criticism of the Tories was that their COVID-tyranny wasn’t tyrannical enough. Fortunately, the appetite for a reckoning over what happened is now growing, as not everyone is suffering from the post-COVID amnesia that seems to affect so much of the population. Now, our elites are gathering to scapegoat an admittedly worthy candidate, for the frankly very silly reason that he violated his own lockdown rules by having drinks with his co-workers.
Ludicrous ‘laws’
The ludicrous thing is not that Boris and his staff didn’t obey the lockdown rules, but that anyone in the country did obey those stupid, inhumane ‘rules.’ The really interesting question, which no one seems to be asking, is why were they not terrified to meet for drinks if they sincerely believed in the lethality of COVID? Remember that bit of government whoopla that involved an image of a terrified man on a ventilator with the words in capital letters: “LOOK HIM IN THE EYES AND TELL HIM YOU ALWAYS KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE”? Presumably, Johnson and his staff looked at these images and thought they were as reckless and senseless as my friends and I did.
Johnson and his staff clearly knew, as I think most of our political elites also knew, that the COVID panic was ridiculous, there was little of which to be afraid, the virus wasn’t lethal, and—jabbed or not—everyone was going to get COVID sooner or later anyway. As noted, they certainly knew that the jabs were under tested and definitely weren’t tested for prevention of transmission, and they probably knew that they were very dangerous. At the risk of straying into the forbidden realm of conspiracy theories (to most of whose content the mainstream media fesses up after a year or two anyway), I doubt that Johnson and senior governmental staff ever received their COVID vaccines. I expect that they were photographed getting an injection of saline; after all, a vaccine-injured PM would have been a total disaster, and it just wouldn’t have been worth taking the risk. If they had two brain cells between them, they would have gone with a saline solution.
Now, if indeed neither Johnson nor his staff really believed in the COVID panic, the governmental campaign deployed to foster that panic, or the ridiculous lockdown rules which they repeatedly broke, why did they present, press, and pass legislation that plunged everyone into the COVID tyranny? Perhaps the government was merely seeking to appease the media. Perhaps it worried that a Swedish-style no-lockdown policy would backfire. Perhaps they were worried about forthcoming elections and wanted to look like a proactive government. Or perhaps, I wonder, there was something much darker going on, like the joining of our country to a massive transnational alliance, orchestrated to destroy all localism and small business ventures in a vast global power-grab—or maybe that was just an unforeseen result.
In any case, it is becoming quite clear that we are in need of a true reckoning, which should begin with the creation of an independent enquiry undertaken by people who were, from early 2020 onwards, critical or at least sceptical of the lockdowns and the vaccines. This enquiry would have the singular purpose of discovering who knew what and which lies were deliberately disseminated in the creation of the COVID tyranny, looking especially at lockdowns, distancing, masks, vaccines (and their related injuries), and the destruction of small businesses. Johnson spoke of a “witch hunt.” Let’s actually have one then.
The Real Question We Should be Asking about Boris Breaking Lockdown Rules
An MP-led select committee, chaired by former Labour Party Deputy Leader Harriet Harman, and advised by a KC known for tweeting disparaging remarks about Boris Johnson, was somehow expected to lead an impartial investigation into Johnson’s conduct regarding his observance of his own COVID lockdown rules, and whether he misled Parliament over such conduct. It is now well-known that he and his staff repeatedly met for drinks at No. 10 Downing Street, in violation of his own government’s lockdown rules. He has admitted as much and paid a £50 fine as punishment. The question that remained was whether he had misled Parliament about such unlawful gatherings. Over the weekend, having been notified by the select committee that it intended to criticise him—implying that they believed he had deliberately lied to parliament—he sought to avoid embarrassment by stepping down as MP of Uxbridge and South Ruislip and leaving Parliament altogether.
In a statement in which he detailed his decision to step down as MP, he called Harman’s Privileges Committee a “kangaroo court,” and openly rejected their proceedings. He went further, however, stating that he had lost his “faith” in the “impartiality of our systems,” and claiming that he was the victim of a “witch hunt” that had been organised to “take revenge for Brexit.” He went on to say that:
Johnson is correct that such a committee should not be using its powers to carry out politically motivated attacks, and it’s hard not to believe that there is some truth to his claim that that’s what we’re really witnessing. Moreover, if that is what we’re seeing, a “dangerous and unsettling precedent,” as he said in his statement, is indeed being set. But this is only one in a sequence of such precedent-setting events that have rapidly moved the UK political system from one of universally admired impartiality and fairness to one of arbitrary power. Perhaps no one has been more instrumental in this shift of political culture than Boris himself.
Johnson’s hypocrisy
Towards the end of Johnson’s statement, he boasted of his role in overseeing the “fastest vaccine roll out of any major European country.” It amazes me that politicians are still speaking of the ‘miracle vaccine’ that was supposed to free us from the purportedly deadly COVID virus. Our own homegrown vaccine from Oxford, AstraZeneca, turned out to be so dangerous that it had to be withdrawn altogether. As for Pfizer and Moderna, we were specifically told that the primary reason for taking such highly experimental ‘emergency authorised only’ drugs, using novel mRNA technology that was hastily made and under tested, was that we all had to prevent transmission to save the lives of others. “Get vaccinated or you’ll kill Granny!” was the constant mantra of the sheep we all found ourselves living with. Since then, we have been told that these companies had not even tested for prevention of transmission before they released their drugs on the public. The PM and his government, when they stated that these vaccines would prevent transmission and that this was the primary reason for receiving them, must have known that the drugs hadn’t even been tested for this purpose.
Initially, we were told that the vaccines were “safe and effective.” Then it turned out that they weren’t very safe, as we all watched numerous young sports players collapse with cardiac arrests following vaccine-reception. We were assured, however, that they would prevent both transmission and contraction of the virus—but then it turned out that that wasn’t true either. Then we were told that they at least minimised symptoms, a claim that is not only beginning to look bogus but certainly wouldn’t warrant their ‘emergency authorised’ status in any case. The whole thing hasn’t just been a failure, but a hugely dangerous experiment on the public.
Then there were the lockdowns, which effectively imprisoned the public in their homes. Weighty evidence is now being produced to show that, by every possible relevant analysis, the lockdowns did far more harm than any good they did or could have been predicted to do. We all had to suffer this colossal infringement on our basic liberties whilst simultaneously being subjected to a terror campaign involving a thuggish police force and, against any legal requirement, aggressive pressure to cover up our faces—another policy that was shown to achieve nothing in regard to virus transmission. Many of those who said they wouldn’t capitulate were threatened with loss of employment at a time when industry had grinded to a halt and almost nobody was hiring. Where were our ‘English liberties’ and ‘rights to fairness’ that Johnson wants us to recall now that his political career is wobbling?
The government, under Johnson’s leadership, subjected its citizenry to nearly two years of psychological torture and highly dangerous chemical experimentation over what turned out to be a non-lethal virus. The fact is, they were all in on it. Ours became a one-party system over COVID, as Labour’s only criticism of the Tories was that their COVID-tyranny wasn’t tyrannical enough. Fortunately, the appetite for a reckoning over what happened is now growing, as not everyone is suffering from the post-COVID amnesia that seems to affect so much of the population. Now, our elites are gathering to scapegoat an admittedly worthy candidate, for the frankly very silly reason that he violated his own lockdown rules by having drinks with his co-workers.
Ludicrous ‘laws’
The ludicrous thing is not that Boris and his staff didn’t obey the lockdown rules, but that anyone in the country did obey those stupid, inhumane ‘rules.’ The really interesting question, which no one seems to be asking, is why were they not terrified to meet for drinks if they sincerely believed in the lethality of COVID? Remember that bit of government whoopla that involved an image of a terrified man on a ventilator with the words in capital letters: “LOOK HIM IN THE EYES AND TELL HIM YOU ALWAYS KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE”? Presumably, Johnson and his staff looked at these images and thought they were as reckless and senseless as my friends and I did.
Johnson and his staff clearly knew, as I think most of our political elites also knew, that the COVID panic was ridiculous, there was little of which to be afraid, the virus wasn’t lethal, and—jabbed or not—everyone was going to get COVID sooner or later anyway. As noted, they certainly knew that the jabs were under tested and definitely weren’t tested for prevention of transmission, and they probably knew that they were very dangerous. At the risk of straying into the forbidden realm of conspiracy theories (to most of whose content the mainstream media fesses up after a year or two anyway), I doubt that Johnson and senior governmental staff ever received their COVID vaccines. I expect that they were photographed getting an injection of saline; after all, a vaccine-injured PM would have been a total disaster, and it just wouldn’t have been worth taking the risk. If they had two brain cells between them, they would have gone with a saline solution.
Now, if indeed neither Johnson nor his staff really believed in the COVID panic, the governmental campaign deployed to foster that panic, or the ridiculous lockdown rules which they repeatedly broke, why did they present, press, and pass legislation that plunged everyone into the COVID tyranny? Perhaps the government was merely seeking to appease the media. Perhaps it worried that a Swedish-style no-lockdown policy would backfire. Perhaps they were worried about forthcoming elections and wanted to look like a proactive government. Or perhaps, I wonder, there was something much darker going on, like the joining of our country to a massive transnational alliance, orchestrated to destroy all localism and small business ventures in a vast global power-grab—or maybe that was just an unforeseen result.
In any case, it is becoming quite clear that we are in need of a true reckoning, which should begin with the creation of an independent enquiry undertaken by people who were, from early 2020 onwards, critical or at least sceptical of the lockdowns and the vaccines. This enquiry would have the singular purpose of discovering who knew what and which lies were deliberately disseminated in the creation of the COVID tyranny, looking especially at lockdowns, distancing, masks, vaccines (and their related injuries), and the destruction of small businesses. Johnson spoke of a “witch hunt.” Let’s actually have one then.
The Morality of Patriotism in the Ordo Amoris
The End of Equality: Two-Tier Justice Enshrined in British Law
Europe Has Just Become a More Dangerous Place