This summer’s events could hardly have shown us more clearly how Europe’s spineless, self-loathing attitude to the fight against Islamism here and abroad is putting democracy and Western civilisation at risk. Yet our leaders refuse to face the truth.
Until the recent announcement of their big reunion gigs, 1990s Britpop band Oasis only featured in the news whenever there was a terror attack in the UK; most notably after the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing in which an Islamic suicide bomber killed 22 people, including children, and injured a thousand more at an Ariana Grande concert in the band’s home city.
After terror attacks, the authorities play the Oasis classic “Don’t Look Back in Anger” at every opportunity, as if it was a state anthem in a totalitarian regime. The message to the public is: be sad, weep for the cameras, but don’t show the ‘wrong’ kind of emotions; don’t get angry about the Islamist slaughter of innocents—and if you do, we’re coming for you.
Meanwhile, the media collude by using neutral-sounding terms such as “tragic incident” to describe terror attacks, and relegating them down the news agenda as soon as possible. We have witnessed a similar response to attacks across Europe over the past decade.
Recent events, however, offer a stark reminder that this defeatist attitude to Islamism is only making matters worse and encouraging further assaults. It is high time we started telling the truth about the threat to all that we hold dear—and getting angry about our pathetic leaders’ refusal to stand up to it.
We now know that the German authorities not only failed to deport a Syrian failed asylum seeker for a year, but also kept handing him €368 a month in state benefits. Issa al Hassan repaid his hosts’ generosity by butchering three people and wounding eight more at a ‘Diversity Festival’ in the city of Solingen.
How did the German political and media establishment react to this slaughter? Social Democrat chancellor Olaf Scholz first stuck to the neutralising script by calling the attack a “terrible event,” as if it had been a natural disaster. Then they promised to control knives—as if the blade bought with German taxpayers’ money had somehow stabbed those festival goers in the neck of its own accord, without the assistance of the illegal migrant knifeman.
But mostly, the establishment parties worried aloud that the ‘far-right’ Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) would “exploit” the massacre to make political gains in coming elections. We might think that the problem is the terrorist murder of German citizens by an Islamist migrant who had no business living in Germany. Instead, they imagine that the real danger is that German voters are angry about it.
Then the terrorists of ISIS issued a statement, claiming the Solingen murderer as a “soldier of the Islamic State.” They said that the 26-year-old killer had launched his cowardly attack “to avenge Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.” Whether the claim of a direct ISIS link proves true or not, the statement was a brutal illustration of the connection between the fight against Islamism in Europe and the wider war against Islamist terrorism, focused on Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.
How did the leaders of the European Union react? By discussing a proposal to impose sanctions on Israeli government ministers, and condemning the Israel Defence Forces for launching a defensive raid in the West Bank, designed to prevent Islamist terrorists there from staging a planned repeat of the October 7th Hamas massacres in Israel. One might almost have imagined that it was Israel, rather than ISIS, which had just claimed responsibility for the cold-blooded murder of civilians on European streets.
Some of us might think that the threat we should worry about comes from genocidal Islamists who want to destroy Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. And, at home, from Western leftists, whom Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rightly calls the “useful idiots” of Iran and its Islamist allies, and whose chant “from the river to the sea” is code for wiping the state of Israel off the map and driving the Jews into the Mediterranean.
For EU leaders such as foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, however, it appears the far bigger problem is that those pesky Israelis will insist on fighting for their survival by waging war on the death cult of Hamas and Hezbollah, and thus risk upsetting the Islamic world. While the IDF advances in its war on terror, the EU is retreating from supporting Israel on every front. Meanwhile in the UK, an historically staunch Israeli ally, the British state ‘Blob’ has now effectively declared war on Israel, with top civil servants acting to stop new arms exports even before the Labour government has formally announced a change of policy.
Dare to stray from the scripted, conformist response, of course, and you risk being politically slandered. Question the impact of uncontrolled immigration on European society? That makes you a “far-right” Islamophobe. Suggest that Israel has the right to defend itself in a life-and-death struggle? Why, you’re nothing less than a “genocide apologist”.
This is how far things have gone in the black propaganda wars. When the AfD denounced the Solingen murders as a consequence of Germany’s open-door immigration policy, Politico—the voice of the EU establishment—moaned that “The far-right volleys of criticism, amid a lack of information on the assailant, recalled the recent riots in the UK that were fanned by false claims that a suspected attacker [who murdered three young girls] was a newly arrived immigrant.”
In Germany, of course, the AfD were right—the murderer was an illegal Muslim immigrant and an Islamist; one who, at least according to the ISIS statement, killed those Germans because they were Christians. But never mind such small matters as the facts. If you say that enough is enough, you can be tarred with the ‘far-right’ brush and accused of inciting a riot.
It is surely time to show some anger in the face of mortal threats and tell the truth about Islamists and their assorted useful idiots, whether that’s leftists who share Hamas’s hatred for Western civilisation, or pathetic establishment figures who are unwilling to defend their own civilisation’s values.
We should let them know that we are determined to defend our national sovereignty and democracy against Brussels and the open-borders elites, and to stand with Israeli democracy against all comers. And that no matter what ‘far-right rioters’ slurs they throw at us, we will refuse to be emotionally blackmailed and politically slandered into silence.
Time for the Truth About Islamism and Its Useful Idiots
This summer’s events could hardly have shown us more clearly how Europe’s spineless, self-loathing attitude to the fight against Islamism here and abroad is putting democracy and Western civilisation at risk. Yet our leaders refuse to face the truth.
Until the recent announcement of their big reunion gigs, 1990s Britpop band Oasis only featured in the news whenever there was a terror attack in the UK; most notably after the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing in which an Islamic suicide bomber killed 22 people, including children, and injured a thousand more at an Ariana Grande concert in the band’s home city.
After terror attacks, the authorities play the Oasis classic “Don’t Look Back in Anger” at every opportunity, as if it was a state anthem in a totalitarian regime. The message to the public is: be sad, weep for the cameras, but don’t show the ‘wrong’ kind of emotions; don’t get angry about the Islamist slaughter of innocents—and if you do, we’re coming for you.
Meanwhile, the media collude by using neutral-sounding terms such as “tragic incident” to describe terror attacks, and relegating them down the news agenda as soon as possible. We have witnessed a similar response to attacks across Europe over the past decade.
Recent events, however, offer a stark reminder that this defeatist attitude to Islamism is only making matters worse and encouraging further assaults. It is high time we started telling the truth about the threat to all that we hold dear—and getting angry about our pathetic leaders’ refusal to stand up to it.
We now know that the German authorities not only failed to deport a Syrian failed asylum seeker for a year, but also kept handing him €368 a month in state benefits. Issa al Hassan repaid his hosts’ generosity by butchering three people and wounding eight more at a ‘Diversity Festival’ in the city of Solingen.
How did the German political and media establishment react to this slaughter? Social Democrat chancellor Olaf Scholz first stuck to the neutralising script by calling the attack a “terrible event,” as if it had been a natural disaster. Then they promised to control knives—as if the blade bought with German taxpayers’ money had somehow stabbed those festival goers in the neck of its own accord, without the assistance of the illegal migrant knifeman.
But mostly, the establishment parties worried aloud that the ‘far-right’ Alternative fur Deutschland (AfD) would “exploit” the massacre to make political gains in coming elections. We might think that the problem is the terrorist murder of German citizens by an Islamist migrant who had no business living in Germany. Instead, they imagine that the real danger is that German voters are angry about it.
Then the terrorists of ISIS issued a statement, claiming the Solingen murderer as a “soldier of the Islamic State.” They said that the 26-year-old killer had launched his cowardly attack “to avenge Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.” Whether the claim of a direct ISIS link proves true or not, the statement was a brutal illustration of the connection between the fight against Islamism in Europe and the wider war against Islamist terrorism, focused on Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.
How did the leaders of the European Union react? By discussing a proposal to impose sanctions on Israeli government ministers, and condemning the Israel Defence Forces for launching a defensive raid in the West Bank, designed to prevent Islamist terrorists there from staging a planned repeat of the October 7th Hamas massacres in Israel. One might almost have imagined that it was Israel, rather than ISIS, which had just claimed responsibility for the cold-blooded murder of civilians on European streets.
Some of us might think that the threat we should worry about comes from genocidal Islamists who want to destroy Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. And, at home, from Western leftists, whom Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rightly calls the “useful idiots” of Iran and its Islamist allies, and whose chant “from the river to the sea” is code for wiping the state of Israel off the map and driving the Jews into the Mediterranean.
For EU leaders such as foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, however, it appears the far bigger problem is that those pesky Israelis will insist on fighting for their survival by waging war on the death cult of Hamas and Hezbollah, and thus risk upsetting the Islamic world. While the IDF advances in its war on terror, the EU is retreating from supporting Israel on every front. Meanwhile in the UK, an historically staunch Israeli ally, the British state ‘Blob’ has now effectively declared war on Israel, with top civil servants acting to stop new arms exports even before the Labour government has formally announced a change of policy.
Dare to stray from the scripted, conformist response, of course, and you risk being politically slandered. Question the impact of uncontrolled immigration on European society? That makes you a “far-right” Islamophobe. Suggest that Israel has the right to defend itself in a life-and-death struggle? Why, you’re nothing less than a “genocide apologist”.
This is how far things have gone in the black propaganda wars. When the AfD denounced the Solingen murders as a consequence of Germany’s open-door immigration policy, Politico—the voice of the EU establishment—moaned that “The far-right volleys of criticism, amid a lack of information on the assailant, recalled the recent riots in the UK that were fanned by false claims that a suspected attacker [who murdered three young girls] was a newly arrived immigrant.”
In Germany, of course, the AfD were right—the murderer was an illegal Muslim immigrant and an Islamist; one who, at least according to the ISIS statement, killed those Germans because they were Christians. But never mind such small matters as the facts. If you say that enough is enough, you can be tarred with the ‘far-right’ brush and accused of inciting a riot.
It is surely time to show some anger in the face of mortal threats and tell the truth about Islamists and their assorted useful idiots, whether that’s leftists who share Hamas’s hatred for Western civilisation, or pathetic establishment figures who are unwilling to defend their own civilisation’s values.
We should let them know that we are determined to defend our national sovereignty and democracy against Brussels and the open-borders elites, and to stand with Israeli democracy against all comers. And that no matter what ‘far-right rioters’ slurs they throw at us, we will refuse to be emotionally blackmailed and politically slandered into silence.
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