The brutal murder of 12-year-old Lola Daviet is so heinous a crime, I wish I could spare you the details. But I cannot, as to ignore their evil would dishonour her memory. Lola’s body was discovered on the 14th of October 2022, in a suitcase in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. She was raped, tortured, and had her throat slashed by Dahbia Benkired, an Algerian national who outstayed her visa, and was in the country illegally.
Traditionally, journalists have always had the same approach to scandalous stories such as this: if it bleeds, it leads. But the modern media are more discerning when it comes to crime; they are determined to ensure that two major factors are in order before they get excited: first, that the victim is not white, and second, that the perpetrator is white. ‘Racial justice’ is a billion dollar industry, and if you want to sell a story, it’s imperative to identify a narrative for which the market has an appetite.
One might even go so far as to claim this prerequisite takes precedence over the facts of the case. Consider some of our recent media darlings: Jussie Smollett appeared to be a gay black actor, attacked by ‘racist, white, Trump-supporting homophobes’—a story that was just too good to be false. Even when Smollett was convicted of fabricating the entire episode, there were still many who continued to support him. Then there’s Shamima Begum, the former ISIS bride who left Britain to join the Islamic State, where she was a ‘cruel enforcer’ for the morality police. Begum may be guilty of treason (and a lot more besides), but thanks to her ‘young Muslim female’ credentials, she remains not only ‘our responsibility’ according to The Guardian, but someone the British State has ‘betrayed.’
It is not difficult therefore to understand why every journalist has gone weak in the knees over George Floyd for the past two years. Sure, he was a violent career-criminal, but he was also a black man who died with a white cop’s knee on his neck; you can’t buy those optics. There is a flip side to that billion dollar coin however, something the media are increasingly reluctant to touch. White victims are bad enough, but in cases where the assailant fails to be white, the plotline is impossible to monetise. Politicians don’t take a knee, Big Tech doesn’t fawn, make pledges, or release woke advertising; in short, no one cares.
White girls, or ‘white slags’ as their Muslim rapists label them across the length and breadth of Britain, are the epitome of such demonetised demographics—something with which the police, social workers, and governments concur, judging by the industrial-scale cover-ups which have taken place over three decades. Nothing gets in the way of the multicultural lie more than the wrong kind of victim—and nothing is more guaranteed to make a news story disappear than white girls ‘rocking the boat.’
Consider the hauntingly similar case of Leonie Walner, a 13-year-old Austrian girl who was drugged, raped, murdered, and left wrapped in a carpet by four Afghan migrants in 2021. That didn’t exactly attract wall-to-wall coverage did it? Or how about the case of seven-year-old Emily Jones from Bolton, UK, who had her throat slashed by an Albanian illegal immigrant while playing in the park with her family in 2020? In the case of Emily, I have never known a major story to disappear from the news so quickly.
There are several reasons for this underreporting. First, the sheer numbers are overwhelming. According to political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Lola is the 12th girl killed this year by an immigrant in France alone (grief must be carefully rationed if you’re going to fit them all in). Second, the stories are deliberately suppressed. In the case of Emily Jones, reporting restrictions were placed on the case, which tends to be the UK government’s favoured mechanism whenever the criminal is Muslim.
The recent case of Lola is unusual, because almost a fortnight on, the media are still reporting on it. A couple of factors might be relevant here: first, the crime is even more unspeakably wicked than usual (which takes some doing). Second, the outpouring of public grief is so immense, attempts to ignore it may be politically inexpedient. Third, the political right is on the move across Europe: although Britain may be about as conservative as Chairman Mao on a bad day, Italy, Sweden, and France are all seeing a populist surge.
One might think this would exact a sense of unity from the French Left, but you’d be mistaken. Instead of condemning Lola’s murder, they condemn the response to it, just like the police in Britain do—it’s less dangerous, and it keeps your in-tray clear.
Cowardly and complicit, the media are doing everything they can to divert attention from the righteous mourning. Consider the following headlines from major news outlets:
BBC: “Lola: France’s far right adopts murdered schoolgirl”
Metro News: “France: Funeral for 12-year-old Lola takes place after ‘murder’”
Euronews: “Far-right march in Paris to protest ‘barbaric’ murder of Lola, 12, despite parents’ wishes”
The Guardian: “Parents of girl found in suitcase urge French politicians to stop exploiting death”
Such a monstrous murder is clearly inconsequential, compared to the audacity of the ‘far-Right’ (is there any other kind?) who seem to think the slaughter of 12-year-old girls is something worth objecting to. I’d love to know what the Left thinks the Right ought to find objectionable. But nothing comes close to The Guardian’s use of the phrase ‘found in suitcase’ (as though Lola were enjoying a game of hide-and-seek), while the use of ‘death’ instead of ‘murder’ is reprehensible even by their standards. And as for the Metro putting ‘murder’ in scare quote marks, I have no words.
The media are remarkably incurious about the origins of such wickedness, preferring the predictable ‘mental health issues’ euphemism. It’s never ‘open borders,’ ‘failed multiculturalism,’ ‘conniving authorities,’ and dare we even mention, ‘Islam’? Indeed, the propensity of Muslim immigrants who spontaneously develop mental disorders upon reaching Europe’s shores is staggering—one might even say, noteworthy. Perhaps we are callous in accepting the numbers we do?
The media’s continuous denial of the effect of immigration upon crime is made all the more bizarre by the fact that the cheerleaders of multiculturalism have finally had to come clean. Take Sweden: the bastion of tolerance, which has bent over backwards to accommodate its arrivals. A fifteen-year study (2002-2017) concluded that migrants constituted 58% of crime suspects, with robbery at 70% and murder 73%. Even the Swedish Prime Minister had to admit that ‘integration has failed, and fuelled gang crime.’ The media, it seems, has not read the memo.
In their identity-politics quest to make victims of all but the innocent, the Left have committed an unspeakable crime. The platitudes were always risible: it turns out diversity is not our strength, and wir schaffen das nicht. The peddlers of these lies have blood on their hands. Western leaders pay for their crimes with minor blips in the opinion polls; Europe’s daughters pay with their lives. Those in authority have only one more trick up their sleeve: to stop us noticing, and to criminalise our speech when we do. In Britain, MPs call for rape victims to ‘Shut up for the sake of diversity’—the media increasingly ensures there is nothing to shut up about.
The merry-go-round of thoughts and prayers will pack up its tent and move on soon—it’s peak season after all. If your daughters are white, or you have the remotest sense of morality, you might want to vote in someone genuinely conservative, before it’s too late.
RIP Lola, I’m so sorry we failed you.
White Girls: The Victims the Left Ignore
The brutal murder of 12-year-old Lola Daviet is so heinous a crime, I wish I could spare you the details. But I cannot, as to ignore their evil would dishonour her memory. Lola’s body was discovered on the 14th of October 2022, in a suitcase in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. She was raped, tortured, and had her throat slashed by Dahbia Benkired, an Algerian national who outstayed her visa, and was in the country illegally.
Traditionally, journalists have always had the same approach to scandalous stories such as this: if it bleeds, it leads. But the modern media are more discerning when it comes to crime; they are determined to ensure that two major factors are in order before they get excited: first, that the victim is not white, and second, that the perpetrator is white. ‘Racial justice’ is a billion dollar industry, and if you want to sell a story, it’s imperative to identify a narrative for which the market has an appetite.
One might even go so far as to claim this prerequisite takes precedence over the facts of the case. Consider some of our recent media darlings: Jussie Smollett appeared to be a gay black actor, attacked by ‘racist, white, Trump-supporting homophobes’—a story that was just too good to be false. Even when Smollett was convicted of fabricating the entire episode, there were still many who continued to support him. Then there’s Shamima Begum, the former ISIS bride who left Britain to join the Islamic State, where she was a ‘cruel enforcer’ for the morality police. Begum may be guilty of treason (and a lot more besides), but thanks to her ‘young Muslim female’ credentials, she remains not only ‘our responsibility’ according to The Guardian, but someone the British State has ‘betrayed.’
It is not difficult therefore to understand why every journalist has gone weak in the knees over George Floyd for the past two years. Sure, he was a violent career-criminal, but he was also a black man who died with a white cop’s knee on his neck; you can’t buy those optics. There is a flip side to that billion dollar coin however, something the media are increasingly reluctant to touch. White victims are bad enough, but in cases where the assailant fails to be white, the plotline is impossible to monetise. Politicians don’t take a knee, Big Tech doesn’t fawn, make pledges, or release woke advertising; in short, no one cares.
White girls, or ‘white slags’ as their Muslim rapists label them across the length and breadth of Britain, are the epitome of such demonetised demographics—something with which the police, social workers, and governments concur, judging by the industrial-scale cover-ups which have taken place over three decades. Nothing gets in the way of the multicultural lie more than the wrong kind of victim—and nothing is more guaranteed to make a news story disappear than white girls ‘rocking the boat.’
Consider the hauntingly similar case of Leonie Walner, a 13-year-old Austrian girl who was drugged, raped, murdered, and left wrapped in a carpet by four Afghan migrants in 2021. That didn’t exactly attract wall-to-wall coverage did it? Or how about the case of seven-year-old Emily Jones from Bolton, UK, who had her throat slashed by an Albanian illegal immigrant while playing in the park with her family in 2020? In the case of Emily, I have never known a major story to disappear from the news so quickly.
There are several reasons for this underreporting. First, the sheer numbers are overwhelming. According to political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Lola is the 12th girl killed this year by an immigrant in France alone (grief must be carefully rationed if you’re going to fit them all in). Second, the stories are deliberately suppressed. In the case of Emily Jones, reporting restrictions were placed on the case, which tends to be the UK government’s favoured mechanism whenever the criminal is Muslim.
The recent case of Lola is unusual, because almost a fortnight on, the media are still reporting on it. A couple of factors might be relevant here: first, the crime is even more unspeakably wicked than usual (which takes some doing). Second, the outpouring of public grief is so immense, attempts to ignore it may be politically inexpedient. Third, the political right is on the move across Europe: although Britain may be about as conservative as Chairman Mao on a bad day, Italy, Sweden, and France are all seeing a populist surge.
One might think this would exact a sense of unity from the French Left, but you’d be mistaken. Instead of condemning Lola’s murder, they condemn the response to it, just like the police in Britain do—it’s less dangerous, and it keeps your in-tray clear.
Cowardly and complicit, the media are doing everything they can to divert attention from the righteous mourning. Consider the following headlines from major news outlets:
BBC: “Lola: France’s far right adopts murdered schoolgirl”
Metro News: “France: Funeral for 12-year-old Lola takes place after ‘murder’”
Euronews: “Far-right march in Paris to protest ‘barbaric’ murder of Lola, 12, despite parents’ wishes”
The Guardian: “Parents of girl found in suitcase urge French politicians to stop exploiting death”
Such a monstrous murder is clearly inconsequential, compared to the audacity of the ‘far-Right’ (is there any other kind?) who seem to think the slaughter of 12-year-old girls is something worth objecting to. I’d love to know what the Left thinks the Right ought to find objectionable. But nothing comes close to The Guardian’s use of the phrase ‘found in suitcase’ (as though Lola were enjoying a game of hide-and-seek), while the use of ‘death’ instead of ‘murder’ is reprehensible even by their standards. And as for the Metro putting ‘murder’ in scare quote marks, I have no words.
The media are remarkably incurious about the origins of such wickedness, preferring the predictable ‘mental health issues’ euphemism. It’s never ‘open borders,’ ‘failed multiculturalism,’ ‘conniving authorities,’ and dare we even mention, ‘Islam’? Indeed, the propensity of Muslim immigrants who spontaneously develop mental disorders upon reaching Europe’s shores is staggering—one might even say, noteworthy. Perhaps we are callous in accepting the numbers we do?
The media’s continuous denial of the effect of immigration upon crime is made all the more bizarre by the fact that the cheerleaders of multiculturalism have finally had to come clean. Take Sweden: the bastion of tolerance, which has bent over backwards to accommodate its arrivals. A fifteen-year study (2002-2017) concluded that migrants constituted 58% of crime suspects, with robbery at 70% and murder 73%. Even the Swedish Prime Minister had to admit that ‘integration has failed, and fuelled gang crime.’ The media, it seems, has not read the memo.
In their identity-politics quest to make victims of all but the innocent, the Left have committed an unspeakable crime. The platitudes were always risible: it turns out diversity is not our strength, and wir schaffen das nicht. The peddlers of these lies have blood on their hands. Western leaders pay for their crimes with minor blips in the opinion polls; Europe’s daughters pay with their lives. Those in authority have only one more trick up their sleeve: to stop us noticing, and to criminalise our speech when we do. In Britain, MPs call for rape victims to ‘Shut up for the sake of diversity’—the media increasingly ensures there is nothing to shut up about.
The merry-go-round of thoughts and prayers will pack up its tent and move on soon—it’s peak season after all. If your daughters are white, or you have the remotest sense of morality, you might want to vote in someone genuinely conservative, before it’s too late.
RIP Lola, I’m so sorry we failed you.
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