Football fans in the German city of Dresden have mocked the German Football Association (DFB) for conforming to woke ideology. Fans of Dynamo Dresden displayed a banner during a match on Sunday, February 4th, aimed specifically at the DFB. The banner read: “There is only one ridiculous DFB … and two genders.”
Erst vor wenigen Tagen verurteilte der #DFB Bayer Leverkusen zu 18.000 Euro Strafe für ein Banner zur Geschlechter-Debatte. Die Dresdner Fans zogen nun nach. #DynamoDresden #Fußball
— Berliner Zeitung (@berlinerzeitung) February 4, 2024
The message was referring to the fact that the football association recently ordered another football club, Bayer Leverkusen, to pay an €18,000 fine because its fans at a game in November held a banner aloft that was perceived to be discriminatory: Their message read: “There are many genres of music, but only two genders.” According to Der Spiegel, Leverkusen supporters were attempting to offend rival supporters whose team, Werder Bremen, they believe to be left-wing and progressive.
Unfortunately the DFB did not take kindly to the insult, calling it “discriminatory unsportsmanlike behaviour.” It ruled that a third of the €6,000 fine has to be used for “preventive measures against discrimination,” and the club has to submit proof of this to the DFB by the end of July. The club’s CEO Fernando Carro called the banner “tasteless and wrong,” saying it has “nothing to do with values such as openness and tolerance that Bayer Leverkusen stands for as an organisation.”
Politicians from the mainstream parties, such as the governing social democrats, the Greens, and the opposition centre-right CDU/CSU were quick to denounce the action of the supporters, with only right-wing AfD saying that what the Leverkusen fans stated—namely that there are only two genders—is “absolutely right,” and even if it were not, the fans have their right to an opinion, and shouldn’t be fined.
„Es gibt viele Musikrichtungen, aber nur 2 Geschlechter.“ Für dieses Fan-Banner muss Bayer Leverkusen dem #DFB 18.000 € Strafe zahlen. Der DFB ist zum Abwehrspieler der Woke-Bewegung verkommen!#AfD #ltNRW #Gender
— AfD-Fraktion NRW (@AfD_FraktionNRW) January 31, 2024
It is almost certain that Dynamo Dresden will now also be fined by the DFB which is visibly ignoring scientific facts and conforming to woke ideology. As we previously reported, this year’s European Football Championship (Euro 2024) hosted by Germany—organised by the DFB and Football’s European governing body, UEFA—will be used to spread political messages about diversity and anti-racism. “All-gender” toilets will be accessible in the stadiums, all the venues will offer “culturally diverse” food options, and all referees will be re-trained so that they are more aware of discriminatory acts happening in the stands or on the football pitches.
Germany, however, is not the only European country where woke politics have crept into football stadiums—and beyond. As the Daily Mail recently reported, in the United Kingdom, a Newcastle United supporter has been banned from going to matches until 2026 “for her trans views.”
Linzi Smith, a 34-year-old lesbian, received an email from Newcastle United in October, informing her that she was being investigated by police for a possible hate crime offence and that her club membership had been suspended. It was revealed to her that she had been the subject of a four-month investigation by the Premier League’s special unit set up to expose racism in the game, after she expressed gender critical views on social media platform X—including her suggestion that transgender people were suffering from mental illness. The dossier compiled against her included details of where she lives, works and even where she walked her dog.
With the police confirming that she has not committed any criminal offence, Smith is taking legal action to overturn her ban, supported by the Free Speech Union.
Both cases show football authorities allowing their sporting ethos to become corrupted by gender ideology—including its bizarre willingness to ignore the existence of two biological sexes.