As support for the national Right party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD)—the sole party represented in the Bundestag that has opposed the left-liberal government’s sanctions against Russia—continues to surge, some anti-democratic lawmakers from the Germany’s political Left have demanded that the AfD be banned.
Earlier this week, Dorothea Marx (SPD), a member of the Thuringian state parliament, said that the “time is ripe” for the AfD to banned from participating in Germany‘s political process, and in doing so, effectively called for the nearly 10.5 million citizens who voted for the party last fall to be stripped of their political representation, the Berlin-based newspaper Junge Freiheit reports.
In light of the fact that several state branches of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution were monitoring the party, Marx suggested that it was logical for the government to take additional steps to choke off their state funding.
“The next logical thing then is a ban procedure,” Marx said, adding that it is possible to ban the party’s individual state associations.
Die mit Steuergeldern finanzierte Parteienförderung ist nun mal kein Demokratie-Abschaffungs-Stipendium
— Dorothea Marx (@marx2009) October 11, 2022
“Party funding financed with taxpayers’ money is not a grant to abolish democracy…The AfD’s hatred and agitation must no longer be equated with democratic freedom of expression,” the SPD law maker said.
Shortly after her imperious statements, which were given to the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) on Tuesday, Marx garnered support from the radical Left politician Katharina König-Preuss (Die Linke), who also is a member oft he Thuringian state parliament.
König-Preuss, well known for her sympathy for and links to the violent extremist organization Antifa, said: “A ban can help deprive AfD of state funding. We know of demonstrably around 50 AfD actors armed with live firearms in the state.”
The AfD, she claimed, is “fighting against human dignity, the principle of democracy, and the rule of law.”
Interestingly—and perhaps not coincidentally—calls by Germany’s leftist-globalists to ban the AfD, come days after an opinion survey, carried out by the polling firm INSA, revealed it is now the strongest political force in east Germany, where more than 16 million people live, as The European Conservative previously reported.
A separate poll, released by the public broadcaster ARD some days earlier, showed that nationwide support for the AfD has risen to 16%, a level of support not previously seen by the party.