Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó has taken a swipe at the U.S. government for working to prolong the Russo-Ukrainian war, which—while devastating Europe’s economies, especially those in Central Europe—continues to benefit U.S. corporations and the globalist politicians serving their interests.
The foreign minister’s statements came last week, on Tuesday, January 10th, during comments delivered at a joint conference in Budapest which followed a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dadic, the Hungarian news portal Origo reported.
Szijjártó emphasized that, due the Hungary and Serbia’s close proximity to the armed conflict, the two Central European countries have experienced terrible consequences—and continue to suffer disproportionately, in terms of security and the economic effects of sanctions, compared to other countries—which is why both governments have a direct interest in ending the war as soon as possible.
— Zoltan Kovacs (@zoltanspox) January 10, 2023
FM Szijjártó following meeting with Serbian counterpart @DacicIvica: Hungary and Serbia are both directly and severely affected by the war in Ukraine and illegal immigration, and both sides are interested in ending the armed conflict as soon as possible.
“Neither the Hungarians nor the Serbs are responsible for this war, but both nations are paying the price,” the foreign minister began.
“We are both interested in peace in Ukraine as soon as possible. The prolongation and eventual escalation of the war pose serious dangers for both countries,” he continued, adding that other countries, thousands of kilometers away from the conflict area, do not have to deal with the same consequences.
“We understand that this does not seem so serious from a hundred or a thousand kilometers away, but whoever causes an escalation or prolongation of the war is also acting against our national interests,” the foreign minister stressed, alluding to the U.S. government’s continued, massive military support for Ukraine.
A few weeks ago, during a speech given on the floor of Congress, Mitch McConnell, who serves as the minority leader of the U.S. Senate, said the United States ongoing support for Ukraine is not about a “desire to engage in philanthropy” but is being driven by “cold, hard, practical American interests.”
In a recent interview with Jeffrey D. Sachs, a world-renowned economics professor at Columbia University, best selling author, and outspoken critic of the United States cynical attitude and approach toward the Russo-Ukrainian war, told the Hungarian news portal Mandiner:
We need the United States and NATO to say to Russia, “Okay, we get it. NATO will not enlarge to Ukraine and to Georgia.” In my view, that is not a defeat of NATO. That is just common sense. And that is what I would like the United States to say. Unfortunately, the neoconservatives who are in charge of US foreign policy completely disagree with that, because it has been their project for the last quarter century that the U.S. would continue to expand eastward, even though they promised Gorbachev in 1990 that NATO would not move one inch to the east.