For the first time, an Italian court in Genoa awarded compensation to the family of a teacher who demonstrably died as a result of Corona vaccination. However, the compensation amounts to only €77,468, leaving the family of the deceased now planning to file a civil suit against the Italian state.
According to a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the 32-year-old teacher Francesca Tuscano died in Genoa on April 4th, 2021, as a result of a brain thrombosis. Two days earlier, the young woman had been vaccinated against COVID-19 with Astra-Zeneca’s vaccine. A short time later she complained about severe headaches, and when she was found unconscious the next day, she was taken to hospital where she died the following day. During the subsequent forensic medical examination, it was determined beyond doubt that Tuscano died from the side effects of the vaccination.
At the time of her vaccination, the 32-year-old was subject to Italy’s occupational vaccination requirement for persons working in kindergartens, schools, and universities. The parents are now suing the state, which already decided in January to set up a compensation fund for victims of side effects. Tuscano’s case is in fact not an isolated one; numerous other cases are currently being dealt with by the courts. The majority of these are young women who became seriously ill, or died, shortly after being vaccinated with Astra-Zeneca. In an interview with Il secolo XIX, Tuscano’s parents expressed feelings of guilt and remorse, stating that the “tragedies like hers must be avoided.”
The state compensation fund currently stands at €50 million, with as much as €100 million budgeted for next year. The fund itself, however, was not established at the initiative of Health Minister Roberto Speranza of the left-wing Articolo Uno party, but by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti of the right-wing Lega party.

In addition to the occupational vaccination requirement, Italy also has an age-based vaccination requirement for people over 50 in place until June 15th (the European Conservative reported previously). The introduction of the 50+ vaccination requirement on February 1st has not led to a significant increase in the vaccination rate in this age group (it was already at approximately 93%). However, there are indications that targeting this age group is actually a strategic means for the government to help finance compensation funds for injured parties. As of the middle of May, the Italian state had sent 1.2 million penalty notices to vaccination refusers, amounting to €100 each; 600,000 more penalty notices are still scheduled to be sent. To date, these notices go down in the history of the Italian Republic as the largest punitive action against blameless citizens.