Colombia is poised for national elections on the 29th of May.
The Latin American brand of leftism, represented by the Sao Paulo Forum, appears robust enough to potentially add this country to its fold, since the center-right government has already been severely eroded in the national Chamber of Representatives and Senate.
In this context, several members of the Spanish political party VOX have signed a manifesto, condemning the continent-wide trajectory of leftist policies represented by the Venezuelan government under Nicolás Maduro, and whose Colombian representative seems to be Senator Gustavo Petro, founder of the political party “Colombia Humana.”
El Foro de Madrid surge para que el Foro de Sao Paulo de criminales y totalitarios -en las fotos son todos los que están, pero no están todos los que son- no logre sus fines de hundir en la dictadura comunista a toda la Iberoesfera. Y forjemos un futuro próspero en libertad.
— Hermann Tertsch (@hermanntertsch) November 3, 2021
The manifesto, whose signatories include Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, Hermann Tertsch, and Víctor González, is part of a general policy of drawing Europe nearer to the Americas, raising awareness concerning the latter’s dire political situation on the eastern shores of the Atlantic, and building a common front, partly through the Foro Madrid—to provide a counterweight to the Sao Paulo Forum and Puebla Group.
It is also worth watching the Spanish conservative think-tank Disenso Foundation’s interview with the Colombian Senator María Fernanda Cabal Molina.
Indeed, we should not assume Latin American politics and funding does not affect Europe, beginning with providing support for Spain’s Podemos.
As always, Europe needs to understand itself in a global context and adopt a coherent geostrategic outlook. For now, at least, such an outlook seems to be taking shape outside the centers of power.