Why Modernism Failed
As long as there is a viewing public that can witness beauty, there will be a desire for tradition.
As long as there is a viewing public that can witness beauty, there will be a desire for tradition.
The Eddan Collective reminds us that true progress consists in waiting for the good we do not deserve.
In Sonnez les Matines, humor most truly speaks of weighty matters.
Our duty as Catholics is to pray for the Pope; but, to do so truly, we must not blind ourselves to his faults.
In Outside the Gates, Hackett reveals to us that transcendence is woven into social reality, most especially in that highest friendship which tyranny seeks to root out: the friendship of virtue.
Paathan presents a challenge to any nationalism that supports a bureaucratic and utilitarian approach. Instead, it shows that community and human dignity are compelling reasons to preserve nations against multinational bids for global hegemony.
The Meaning of Birth presents a dynamic struggle to articulate the beauty of our being born and other wisdom necessary to recover the metaphysics of being ‘pro-birth.’