UK: Labour To Grant Thousands of Illegal Migrants an “Effective Amnesty”
Farage says the new home secretary “wants to bury illegal immigration as a subject” altogether.
Farage says the new home secretary “wants to bury illegal immigration as a subject” altogether.
The exiled separatist leader is facing an uphill battle to return to Spain.
First beneficiaries of withdrawn criminal sanctions will be those who helped Carles Puigdemont flee Spanish justice.
Ten months into the legislature, the controversial law is the only major legislation socialists have managed to pass.
Legal experts mostly agree that the law is unconstitutional, and opposition leader Feijóo has stated he would repeal it once in power.
Puigdemont will run for regional elections and says Catalonia has a “historic opportunity” to secede from Spain.
Both EU law and the Spanish Constitution may provide significant hurdles for Catalan separatists hoping to avoid prosecution.
“Sánchez has sold the sovereignty of the Spanish,” VOX leader Abascal said of deal that would pardon any crimes committed in connection with illegal 2017 referendum.
Government choice to not go through normal parliamentary channels signals desperation to keep coalition together
The text will go to parliament in mid-March.