The Godless Return: Peterson, Tate, and Spengler’s “Second Religiosity”
The difficulty that a Jordan Peterson or an Andrew Tate have articulating faith in God is paradigmatic of the West’s decline.
The difficulty that a Jordan Peterson or an Andrew Tate have articulating faith in God is paradigmatic of the West’s decline.
The real tragedy of the red pillers is that they peddle a chronically limited view of masculinity as its pinnacle.
The infamous influencer questioned the narrative that the Nazis were “bad guys.”
Andrew Tate is not an ally in the culture wars.
Andrew and his brother Tristan have never denied being pornographers, with Andrew admitting that he made his first million dollars from a pornographic webcam business.
A truly virtuous masculinity would involve men becoming capable of imitating Andrew Tate and then willingly refusing to do so. For what could be less admirable than a man who publicly makes performative utterances against the villain while living vicariously through his exploits?