Assisted Suicide Bill To Be Introduced in UK Parliament Next Week
The prime minister is “very pleased” a vote will take place, despite one peer warning about “coercive control.”
The prime minister is “very pleased” a vote will take place, despite one peer warning about “coercive control.”
Growing public concern seems to be prompting the prime minister to act even more hastily.
The prime minister has long supported legalisation, and the Conservative Party is unlikely to oppose the move.
While the Court ruled correctly in this case, it fails to recognize the duty of states to reject assisted suicide.
Whatever the composition of the next National Assembly may be, euthanasia will certainly not be a top priority.
The Sánchez government will change its assisted suicide guidelines, going against a Constitutional Court ruling.
Rishi Sunak accused of aligning with Tory advocates of a “pernicious liberal death cult.”
The planned suicide of a physically healthy young Dutch woman proves legalised euthanasia is a deadly slippery slope.
Cost-cutting concealed as concern for elderly ‘quality of life’
Former SNP leader’s contribution shows there is “nothing progressive” about killing off the elderly, campaigners say.
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