EU’s Top Court Uses Financial Blackmail To Impose Migration Rules on Member States
On illegal migration, the EU is completely detached from the reality of ordinary people and the experiences of the member states.
On illegal migration, the EU is completely detached from the reality of ordinary people and the experiences of the member states.
The EU is virtually incapable of making rational decisions in line with its own long-term interests.
Having children is a responsibility; it takes sacrifices, but it is also the greatest gift and the highest level of human fulfilment.
The plenary debate on the Asylum and Migration Pact accomplished little more than pointless name-calling.
As all leftist parties and the center-right EPP voted to support the unprecedented measures, 67 conservative MEPs took Hungary’s side, asking the Commission not to give in to the left’s politically motivated blackmail.
If the big political parties do not change their policies on a wide range of issues, such as the green agenda, economic competitiveness, or migration, they will see the consequences at the 2024 elections.
Hungarian MEP Balázs Hidvéghi also slammed left-liberal MEPS in a tweet, saying: “So basically [left-liberals] have fabricated lies about corruption in Hungary for years, and now their leading politician, the Vice-President of the European Parliament is involved in the biggest corruption scandal in the history of the EU. Hypocrisy at its best!”