We Do Not Need a New, Very Different St. Benedict, Part III
Perhaps we do not need a new and very different St. Benedict. We need old-fashioned, traditional Benedictines, and we need them everywhere.
Perhaps we do not need a new and very different St. Benedict. We need old-fashioned, traditional Benedictines, and we need them everywhere.
The survival of the Christian West will require a revival of monasticism.
It is a superficially attractive position, but it’s hard to run a cohesive society on the basis of libertarianism.
The ‘Machine’ competes against God, by framing every part of reality as a biological mechanism or a simulation, to be manipulated according to our caprice.
Several years ago, a friend and I made the nine-hour drive north from Calgary through an Albertan landscape dotted with reed-filled ponds, muskeg, and miles