Eight Migrants Dead in Attempted English Channel Crossing
The latest fatalities come after a day with nearly record-breaking 801 arrivals.
The latest fatalities come after a day with nearly record-breaking 801 arrivals.
Migration analysts have urged the government to “get a grip” of the situation immediately.
“We are at our limit,” the government noted after convening an emergency meeting.
The UK’s immigration system is now “beyond parody,” say campaigners.
The boats, which are usually used to service wind farms, will cost the taxpayer millions of pounds
The coast guard personnel are not “monsters” as framed by NGOs, a Greek MEP responded to the accusations, but “modern-day heroes” who save 60,000 migrants from the sea every year.
At least 146,500 illegal migrants have come to Italy this year, with 123,924 landing in Sicily, of which Lampedusa is a part.
Spanish Interior Minister explains increased illegal arrivals with political “destabilization in the Sahel region.”
Migrant arrivals have surged to record-breaking heights in the Spanish territory.
Migrant boats are often left behind when the Coast Guard rescues migrants outside Lampedusa.