The Habsburg Way: A Royal Gift from Archduke Eduard
“For me, marriage is not simply a fundamental building block of society; it has been one of the greatest sources of joy.”
“For me, marriage is not simply a fundamental building block of society; it has been one of the greatest sources of joy.”
The effortless elaboration of complicated lines of thought is what makes Daniel-Rops’ work so valuable.
The Eddan Collective reminds us that true progress consists in waiting for the good we do not deserve.
Edward J. Watt’s study of Rome is a scholarly work, but his critique of the modern Right is shakier.
In Nichols’ Apologia, we see the ‘practical corollaries’ to which love of the Church leads when it is under attack.
The British politician’s conservative vision for Britain is far richer in its confidence than its advice.
Although at first glance, The Island Without Seasons is merely an adventure story about a man trying to discover the lost city of Atlantis, it is ultimately about how the man’s search allows him to better understand himself and the world in which he lives.