Farage Slams Coutts Bank in Account Dispute
The bank claims that the decision to close the former UKIP leader’s account had nothing to do with his political views, but Farage believes their 40-page report says otherwise.
The bank claims that the decision to close the former UKIP leader’s account had nothing to do with his political views, but Farage believes their 40-page report says otherwise.
King Lawal had replied to a tweet thread by Anglican commentator and broadcaster Calvin Robinson, who expressed concern about the sexualized nature of Pride events, at which children are often present.
The retraction has proven as—or more—effective in not only spreading the findings of the study but proving that those who would cancel others are often the ones who are unethical and unscientific.
Farage claims to have been rejected for an account at seven different banks in the UK after his decades-old account was shut down, seemingly without reason as the trend of “de-banking” of right-wing figures becomes more and more common.
In a rare victory for freedom of speech, it is gratifying that the Oxford Union stood by its guns and allowed the address to go ahead.
For the researcher, the explanation for the Sorbonne’s attitude is to be found in a generalised resignation of the academic world in the face of cancel culture and Islam.
It is not activists’ sincere belief in the harm caused by ‘wrong words’ that is the problem, but their ill-founded hubris—their self-assumed role of holy avengers bringing the world to the ‘right side of history.’
If we truly respect our students and hope they will develop into adults capable of mature exchange of ideas, we must ensure that campuses are open spaces for discussion. Anything less is infantilization.
Social justice activism is a religion in that it provides a set of beliefs. These beliefs are to be accepted unquestioningly, and a common language develops between the people involved by which they may identify one another and interrogate and expel heretics.
I’m disappointed in the NDP [New Democracy Party] in Greece and the NDP [New Democracy Party] in Canada. They are different parties, but in both cases they’re merging into a leftist ‘uniparty.’ It’s as if we just let the parties get run by unelected technocrats who basically are telling us how to live our lives. That is not freedom.