Spain Finances Its Geopolitical Irrelevancy
Morocco’s economic growth appears to be part of an implicit international agreement, with the Spanish government actively approving—despite it going against Spanish interests.
Morocco’s economic growth appears to be part of an implicit international agreement, with the Spanish government actively approving—despite it going against Spanish interests.
The data-driven economy of Big Tech is a demon UFO cloud that does not rain but abducts.
“What kind of god?” asked Tucker Carlson as Joe Rogan described the possible replacement of humans by AI.
For Europeans, the question becomes: are willing to have larger families—or take an economic hit?
The father of a three-month-old boy confronted Spain’s government-sponsored “woke” comedian in real life over obscene online comments.
Spain’s ‘black market’ in residency registration to access social benefits has been tied to rising sexual assault.
Tyranny pretends to respond to higher, more advanced, imperatives, but they are, at root, an expression of an age-old libido dominandi.
Modernism, in art as in politics, can be integrated into a traditional understanding of man and society’s spiritual dimension.
Pentecost and the blessing of the nations in their particularity is a judgement against the false unity of tyrants.
Un-tethered from the ‘male gaze,’ female beauty standards go the way of postmodern pastiche.