The Godless Return: Peterson, Tate, and Spengler’s “Second Religiosity”
The difficulty that a Jordan Peterson or an Andrew Tate have articulating faith in God is paradigmatic of the West’s decline.
The difficulty that a Jordan Peterson or an Andrew Tate have articulating faith in God is paradigmatic of the West’s decline.
In Under the Cloud, Yannis Varoufakis argues that the global economy is post-capitalist because it relies on rent extraction.
Government choice to not go through normal parliamentary channels signals desperation to keep coalition together
In Kipling’s mind, the relativizing of different traditions within the harmony of the common worship of God could be satisfactorily manifested in the British Empire.
Repression and fear provided an opportunity for higher-ups in Spain’s Socialist Party to rob the taxpayer of his money as well as his freedom.
Could the convenience of an ‘everything app’ be reproduced without actually concentrating the ownership of data?
Catalan Left refuses minute of silence observed in memory of murdered Civil Guard officers.
The vitalistic rhetoric of market competition is always balanced against ‘small-town values’ by the American Right.
Elites are turning on their own ‘core demographic’—even as Western working and middle classes are being pushed into rebellion.
As Chinese hands-off investment aligns with African economic nationalism and Near Eastern realignment,where does Europe stand?