Spain: Amnesty and the Constitution
VOX’s Jorge Buxade argued that the state cannot exercise a power not expressly recognized by law.
VOX’s Jorge Buxade argued that the state cannot exercise a power not expressly recognized by law.
If another independence referendum were held, would anyone even turn out?
Feijóo said he was prepared to lose the premiership to keep Spain out of the hands of separatists.
The amnesty is part of negotiations to form a new government.
Some conservatives fear PSOE humouring the separatists could reignite a new political crisis and potential Catalan secession.
Despite being the country’s third largest party, VOX was blocked from taking its seat on the Parliament’s governing bureau following machinations by the conservative PP, as separatist support secured the election of a socialist speaker of the house.
Storm clouds are gathering for exiled Catalan separatists as Madrid prepares to shift to the right next month and an EU Court ruling this week prepares the way for potential deportations back to Spain.
The coalition agreement also pledges to increase direct support for families, help the elderly, reduce taxes, cut red tape, and reduce “socially unproductive political spending” such as funds for separatist or pro-Catalan organizations.
The EU committee has previously accused the Polish, Greek, and Hungarian governments of using Pegasus spyware against opponents.
The EU confirms that it gave over €3 million to Soros’s Open Society Foundation as VOX MEP @Jorgebuxade raised concerns over links to Catalan separatists.