Why the Trains Don’t Run on Time in Catalonia
Multiple thefts of copper cables have paralyzed the train service around Barcelona.
Multiple thefts of copper cables have paralyzed the train service around Barcelona.
Pro-Spain Socialists will still struggle to govern the region.
The promise comes as polls tighten ahead of Sunday’s regional elections in Catalonia.
Puigdemont will run for regional elections and says Catalonia has a “historic opportunity” to secede from Spain.
EU Parliament responds to appeal from parents who say schools ignore domestic court ruling.
Sánchez’s government claims it has high-level legal opinions supporting the amnesty—but has yet to make the report public or even state who wrote it.
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is facing continued opposition to granting Catalan separatists amnesty.
The European People’s Party wants a new law to ban pardons for corruption charges.
The well-attended march is a warning to the acting prime minister.
Protests planned as socialists consider amnesty for leaders of illegal independence referendum