New Portuguese PM Refuses To Work With Surging Populists
Nationalist Chega demands inclusion in government to offer support on key issues.
Nationalist Chega demands inclusion in government to offer support on key issues.
The Socialist Party, which is devoid of leadership and a sense of public service, has gotten what it deserves.
With the national conservative Chega almost tripling its vote, Lisbon has fired the starter pistol for populist success in Europe’s 2024 elections.
After half a century of solid left-wing hegemony, Portugal might be days away from an extraordinary shift to the Right.
Chega has its sights set on smashing 50 years of leftist hegemony.
Chega presents the possibility of a radical change in Portugal.
After fifty years of ‘restoring democracy’ in Portugal, the people are turning against globalisation.
The bill would open the way for ‘mixed’ bathrooms and locker rooms for school-age children.
Portugal is being transformed by mass immigration—in all likelihood, irreversibly.
Change is in the air as national populists Chega go from strength to strength following a grift scandal that brought down the ruling socialists.