Report: 2024 Election Will Be a Battle of 5 ‘Crisis Tribes’
EU’s foreign and security policy think tank predicts voting patterns based on issues—not party loyalties.
EU’s foreign and security policy think tank predicts voting patterns based on issues—not party loyalties.
The ongoing killings of Christians by Muslims have been described as a “slow genocide.”
Nothing captures the falsity of the climate religion more than the UN’s mammoth gathering of the world’s elite.
“Nuclear energy is back,” Emmanuel Macron declared.
One label depicts a deforested area, factory smoke billowing in the distance, with the words: “Eating meat contributes to climate change.”
Experts have called Frans Timmermans’ claims that climate change caused these deaths during storms and floods “nonsense.”
As in Greece, it was arson and not climate change that gave the spark to the five-day inferno that prompted the evacuation of some 12,000 residents.
The ecological issue—a ‘green deal’ driving up energy bills; implementing driving prohibitions in cities; condemning cars before their time; making homes unfit to rent or sell—will be at the heart of the European elections next spring.
The Greek government has blamed arsonists for the fires ravaging Rhodes, Corfu, and Evia, while also claiming that climate change has played a part.
The world is becoming more dangerous, according to British scientist Jim Skea, who also believes there is reason for optimism in the fight against climate change.