Sir Roger Against the Sexual Revolution
It is up to us to carry on the fight for goodness, truth, and beauty that Scruton fought so well.
It is up to us to carry on the fight for goodness, truth, and beauty that Scruton fought so well.
If the ‘M’ word is uttered, the malefactor’s hearers often reply: “So, you want to be a lord or something? If we had a monarchy again, you’d be nothing!” My favourite response: “What makes you think I’m something now? Do you think the chancellor cares if you or I live or die?”
We must rediscover the principles that—in as many forms as there are Western nations—founded each of our countries and the West as a whole.
For today’s conservatives enduring the assaults of the constant neo-Jacobin revolution of today, the adventures of Manfred Arcane are seductively reactionary.
Every revolution begins with just one man. So does every counter-revolution. All of our many foes have taken that lesson to heart. We have not. And unless we demand total victory, as they do, all we’ll get is more lumps.
As I knelt to pray my rosary before the Blessed Sacrament, I was struck by the astonishing confidence required to build Sacré-Cœur. In 1789, France, the Church’s eldest daughter, declared herself no longer a disciple of Jesus Christ but an apostate.
I do not like revolutions in any case, but I especially dislike the proposals of the Davos Jacobins.
The future does not belong to the champions of sterile sex and dumpsters filled with dead babies. Rather, it belongs to those who will fight for love, self-sacrifice, and the children of the next generation.