The Danny Kruger Effect
The British politician’s conservative vision for Britain is far richer in its confidence than its advice.
The British politician’s conservative vision for Britain is far richer in its confidence than its advice.
Swedish Minister for Employment and Integration: “There has never been a major drop in mathematics and reading comprehension. It is historic.”
In response to a new COVID variant, some experts in the British medical sector support the private purchase of vaccinations.
The inquiry might not hear evidence on this significant topic until 2025 or 2026.
Religious freedom was repeatedly violated during COVID. Yet it is essential for everyone—not only for people of faith. It enables all people to live according to their conscience, regardless of their religious convictions.
FROM THE SUMMER 2023 PRINT EDITION: “Terrified of thoughts and ideas that the establishment has ‘outlawed,’ conservatives have completely internalized the ‘rules of the game’ that their enemy has imposed.”—Thierry Baudet
Critics have argued that the paper ought to be taken with more than a grain of salt. Not least because so few were approached for the poll.
Little did we know that, by 2020, the pandemic was almost two decades in the making. The Sunday Times’ investigative report tells an incredible tale of American money, Chinese secrecy, and unrestrained human hubris.
Perhaps no one has been more instrumental in the shift of political culture away from impartiality and fairness and towards arbitrary power than Boris Johnson himself.
During COVID, Western nations did the unthinkable by banning religious gatherings and services. Many states deemed ‘inessential’ what all believers consider most essential: the act of gathering together to worship God.