More than 1,000 Violent Deaths, and Rising: Crime in France Hits All-Time High
Every day in France, an average of three murders or assassinations, 600 burglaries, and more than 330 robberies with firearms are committed.
Every day in France, an average of three murders or assassinations, 600 burglaries, and more than 330 robberies with firearms are committed.
Data previously concealed by the UK’s Home Office shows 130,000 foreign nationals arrested last year, at twice the rate of Brits.
Without explicitly linking migration and crime, the head of the Federal Police said that “the security situation is tense.”
Crimes committed by “non-Germans” have contributed to violence skyrocketing in the country.
German media point to foreign perpetrators, while British officials pin the rise on increased reporting of offences.
The interior minister of North Rhine-Westphalia said the move would promote transparency and counter accusations of concealment.
Over 41% of crime suspects are foreigners while 75% of victims are Germans.
State interior ministers for the first time admit that rising crime is linked to migration.
Migrants from the Maghreb region were seven times more likely than Swiss nationals to be convicted of a crime.
El Salvador may become one of the first success stories in reversing the demographic exodus from the Global South to the Global North.