EU Citizens Will Pay €4.4 Million To Be Told What They Can Say
Hand-picked NGOs bankrolled to censor speech and push Commission’s agenda
Hand-picked NGOs bankrolled to censor speech and push Commission’s agenda
The trouble is, however, that too many Western leaders do not believe in the nations they rule over.
It was not Elon Musk but mass migration and Net Zero madness that prompted millions of Germans to vote AfD.
We are two Wests. The divide is not America versus Europe, it is the people versus the elites.
The new President had to take cover from the Washington weather, but it was the old Davos elites who looked out in the political cold.
We are engaged in a political war for the soul of Europe, against those who would erase its past in order to control its future.
Trump’s victory heralds the West’s return to realism after four years of chaos under Biden.
Comparing the public’s opinions with legislators’ votes would show which groups truly represent Europeans in Brussels.
Brussels’ ideological bullying doesn’t seem to produce the desired effect.
The Republic had many constituting elements also present in our Western democracies. We can learn from its history.