“There are no Berlin walls between ECR and ID. There is more that unites us than divides us”: An Interview with Morten Messerschmidt
We are not anti-European, but we are anti-federalists and anti-centralists.
We are not anti-European, but we are anti-federalists and anti-centralists.
Social Democrat PM Mette Frederiksen describes EU asylum policy as “collapsed.”
Parties across the political spectrum agreed to do more to meet NATO commitments amid growing tensions with Russia.
Distressed local residents said it was “our Notre Dame.”
“We do not rearm because we want war. We are rearming because we want to avoid it,” said Danish PM.
Historic reports of fraud and kidnapping have also come to light.
‘New Right’ party leader says the Right must consolidate if it wants to challenge the ruling Left.
Three suspected Hamas militants were caught moving arms in Berlin, while separate arrests occurred in Denmark and the Netherlands.
Denmark now bows to the demands of dictatorial Middle Eastern regimes, Danish People’s Party MP Mikkel Bjørn Sørensen said.
Germany and Austria are the latest countries seeking to use third-party countries for asylum processing.